Monday, January 26, 2015

Rand Paul’s New Message: Benghazi “Precludes” Hillary Clinton From Presidency

“If she wants to be commander-in-chief, she needs to answer why she didn’t provide security leading up to the attack in Benghazi.”

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Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) speaks during the inaugural Freedom Summit meeting for conservative speakers in Manchester, New Hampshire April 12, 2014. Lucas Jackson / Reuters / Reuters

Sen. Rand Paul says Hillary Clinton’s failure to understand and address security concerns in Benghazi in the lead up to the 2012 attack should prevent her from consideration for president.

The senator, expected to run for president himself, made the comments twice this weekend: first to Iowa Republicans on Saturday, and second in an interview with Aaron Klein’s radio show that will air Sunday night.

“If she wants to be commander-in-chief, she needs to answer why she didn’t provide security leading up to the attack in Benghazi,” Paul said in an interview that will air on on Klein’s show. “I asked her what I think is the most important question. I said, ‘In the six months leading up to the attacks in Benghazi, did you read the cables from the ambassador asking for more security?’ And she said, ‘No.’”

“That answer to me precludes her from ever being considered for commander-in-chief because Libya had to be one of the most dangerous places in the world,” Paul continues in the interview. “Couldn’t be two or three countries more dangerous than Libya. Maybe no country. And she wasn’t reading the requests for security, repeated requests for security. For a plane. For a security team. That to me is a dereliction of duty and I think it precludes her from being considered.”

Under questioning from Diane Sawyer last week, Clinton argued she had not “missed” the moment that would have prevented the attack and that she did not have the “expertise” to make specific security decisions.

“I take responsibility, but I was not making security decisions,” she said.

Read more:

Rand Paul’s New Message: Benghazi “Precludes” Hillary Clinton From Presidency

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