Thursday, February 26, 2015

Breaking: Sen. Cornyn to Holder: ‘Resign,’ Dana Bash of CNN thinks that’s meany pants; Update: Cornyn to appear on Fox News to discuss call for resignation!/marychastain/status/212569644849045505

Senator Cornyn (R-TX) had enough of the stonewalling, lying and ineptitude of Attorney General Holder. During today’s hearing, he called on Eric Holder to resign.

John Cornyn calls on Attorney General Eric Holder to resign in Senate hearing.

— Rory Cooper (@rorycooper) June 12, 2012

Sen. Cornyn will not let AG Holder off the mat in a withering attack on the AG. "My sincere hope President Obama will replace you.."

— Kelly O"Donnell (@KellyO) June 12, 2012

Sen John Cornyn (R-Tex)calls on Holder to resign. Holder calls his litany of accusations "breathtaking in its inaccuracy."

— Sari Horwitz (@SariHorwitz) June 12, 2012

Bravo, sir. And shame on you, Holder. The only things “breathtaking” here are your incompetence and your shamelessness. Reprehensible.

Standing O for Cornyn! Holder just got spanked SHOULD resign!

— Michelle Ray (@GaltsGirl) June 12, 2012

Not giving a standing O? The media.

cornyn has a highly political role – but dont remember seeing him this openly aggressive and pitbull-like as he is now w/ holder

— Dana Bash (@DanaBashCNN) June 12, 2012

cornyn getting personal with holder – accusing him of misleading congress

— Dana Bash (@DanaBashCNN) June 12, 2012

Unbelievable, Dana. Personal? Ask Brian Terry’s family about personal.


Senator Cornyn to discuss his call for Holder to resign.

You can view Senator Cornyn’s FOX appearance here.

Also, be sure to read his piece for in which he lays out his reasons for demanding Holder’s resignation.

Read more:

Breaking: Sen. Cornyn to Holder: ‘Resign,’ Dana Bash of CNN thinks that’s meany pants; Update: Cornyn to appear on Fox News to discuss call for resignation

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