Saturday, January 23, 2016

Here"s Your First Look At The "Doctor Who" 50th Special

1. The first image from the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special has been released.


It’s exciting enough to see Ten and Eleven and John Hurt’s ‘X’ together. But if you look to the left of the Dalek on ‘X”s leg, you can clearly see the words ‘Bad Wolf’. Any fan knows how significant this is.

2. If you remember correctly, the saddest thing ever happened on Bad Wolf Bay. Ten and Rose were separated forever.


But the Bad Wolf story was really all to do with Nine, so what can this all mean?

3. Today it was announced that the 75-minute 3D special is called The Day Of The Doctor.


We also already knew that Billie Piper was coming back as Rose, Jenna Coleman would remain as Clara, and that Joanna Page would appear as a mystery character.

4. We’re not allowed to tell you who Joanna Page is playing, but we suppose it can’t hurt to say that it’s someone the Doctor has met before.

And that’s not anyone who you think it’s going to be.

5. Then there is An Adventure In Space And Time.


Written by Mark Gatiss and starring David Bradley as First Doctor actor William Hartnell, this is the other cornerstone of the 50. You can read more about it here.

6. Also, Professor Brian Cox will present a lecture about the real-life science behind the Doctor Who fiction.

And that’s not all we’re getting over the anniversary weekend. BBC Four will screen the first-ever serial, An Unearthly Child in full, BBC Two will feature an appreciation from historian and lifelong fan Matthew Sweet, and BBC Three is planning a wealth of fun documentary material. Full details from our friends at Blogtor Who.

7. And here’s that image again, with the added ‘Movie Poster’ text that they’ve been doing lately.


Not long now, Whovians.

8. He’ll be fine.

Read more:

Here"s Your First Look At The "Doctor Who" 50th Special

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