Friday, January 23, 2015

ICE supplying abortions, transgender hormone therapy for illegal aliens in custody!/5ini5ter/status/177402117907156992

Is it any wonder Sandra Fluke feels entitled?

U.S. immigration officials are under standing orders to provide abortion services for detained illegal aliens in some circumstances and hormone therapy to those who say they are transgendered.

The orders to do so are included in the “2011 Operations Manual ICE Performance-Based National Detention Standards” for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement division of the Department of Homeland Security.

Detention facilities are required to provide female detainees with “pregnancy services including routine or specialized prenatal care, postpartum follow-up, lactation services and abortion services,” the manual dictates.

The government will pay for an abortion in cases of rape or incest, or if the mother’s life is in danger, according to the manual. In other cases, the female detainee who wants to halt a pregnancy must pay for the abortion, but Immigration and Customs Enforcement will cover transportation costs to and from the abortion clinic.

I think that as far as the rape/incest language goes, it would be interesting to find out whether ICE coordinates with other law enforcement agencies to try to catch the perps. Perhaps Sheriff Arpaio could answer that.

Image from Orange County Register article on this subject.

Read more:

ICE supplying abortions, transgender hormone therapy for illegal aliens in custody

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