Monday, February 9, 2015

Tea Party Favorite For Senate In Oklahoma Plagiarized From A Bunch Of Current Senators

A trend of plagiarism among Republican Senate candidates in 2014.

Former Oklahoma House Speaker T.W. Shannon is vying for the Senate nomination in the Republican primary in Oklahoma. He’s the Tea Party favorite, endorsed by Sen. Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin, and is polling strongly in the state.

Former Oklahoma House Speaker T.W. Shannon is vying for the Senate nomination in the Republican primary in Oklahoma. He’s the Tea Party favorite, endorsed by Sen. Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin, and is polling strongly in the state.

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T.W. Shannon Facebook / Via Facebook: twshannon

BuzzFeed has found two instances of Shannon copying language from Oklahoma’s current two senators. Tom Coburn, whom Shannon is running to replace, as well as Sen. James Inhofe.

On national defense, a section is copied word-for-word from Inhofe’s page.

Here’s Inhofe:

The greatest trust placed upon Congress by the American people is to provide for their security by maintaining a strong national defense.

And here’s Shannon:

The greatest trust placed upon Congress by the American people is to provide for their security by maintaining a strong national defense.

Another section on energy independence is copied again, nearly word-for-word from Coburn’s Senate pages.

Here’s Coburn:

I believe the goal of ensuring U.S. energy independence is vital to our long-term national security. We can move toward this goal of maintaining sufficient, reliable domestic energy sources by opening up vast reserves off shore and on federal lands , while providing adequate protections for the environment, developing safer and more reliable nuclear energy, protecting marginal well production and pursuing the development of renewable energy. Coupling this strategy while removing regulatory barriers to the development of new technologies like coal gasification (a process that converts coal into diesel fuels) America can achieve energy independence. I am proud that Oklahoma has been a pioneer in creating the key aspects of new energy technology.

And here’s Shannon:

The goal of U.S. energy independence is critical to America’s long-term national security. We can move toward this goal by maintaining sufficient, reliable domestic energy sources, and by opening up vast reserves both offshore and on federal lands. With the right energy policies, Oklahoma can remain a leader in the development of new energy technology. I support moving forward to build the Keystone Pipeline. With increasing abundant energy being produced right here at home, it’s time to lift the federal law banning the exportation of our crude oil. Oklahoma stands to grow its economy if we free up the export market. Following the lead of Sen. Jim Inhofe, I will fight for a sound and effective energy policy and put an end to programs designed to pilfer the taxpayer in the name of environmental protection.

Another section of Shannon’s on healthcare appears to borrow similar language from Coburn, but the match is not identical.

His campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

BuzzFeed previously found he had plagiarized from Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul:

Here’s Paul on education:

As the Federal Government has increased the size of the Department of Education, test scores and scholastic performance have markedly dropped. More money, more bureaucracy, and more government intervention are eroding this nation’s educational standards.

The existence of the Department of Education is an overreach of constitutional authority by the federal government. State and local governments, parents and teachers are far better equipped to meet the needs of their students than the red-tape-laden department, which was established for and tends to benefit teachers’ unions rather than students.

I believe in more local control over education, where states, localities, and parents can play a much more significant role in their children’s schooling. The federal government has simply used its power to disregard parental rights, restrict teachers, and leave kids with an unsatisfactory education, unable to compete in a quickly advancing world. Innovation in education will never come from an overgrown federal bureaucracy, mandating standards and discounting local input.

And here’s Shannon:

The Department of Education should be abolished. As the department has grown in size, test scores and scholastic performance have markedly dropped. More money, more bureaucracy, and more government intervention have eroded educational standards. Local governments, parents and teachers are far better equipped to meet the needs of their students than the federal government which puts teacher unions’ interests over the education of students. I believe in local control over education so that parents can play a much more significant role in their children’s schooling. The federal government has disregarded parental rights, restricted and over-regulated teachers, and over-tested our kids..

Read more:

Tea Party Favorite For Senate In Oklahoma Plagiarized From A Bunch Of Current Senators


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