Friday, February 6, 2015

The 8 Best St. Patrick"s Day Ads

1. Guinness

From 2004, by BBDO NYC.

As an Irishman, I endorse this movement.

2. Guinness

From 2008, by BBDO NYC.

3. Guinness

From 2008, by BBDO NYC.

4. McDonald’s Shamrock Shake

From 2010, via Chicago.

Every St. Patrick’s Day, the city of Chicago dyes the Chicago River green.

Ad agency Leo Burnett created this smart ambient ad.

5. Cookie O’ Puss

Including this classically horrible spot via the legendary Tommy Carvel was a must. Dig that Irish accent of O’ Puss.

6. Guinness

From 2008, via Romania.

7. Guinness

And, my favorite.

From last year, via the UK.

Round up your mates — that sheep dog is a hero!

Ad agency: Abbot Mead Vickers/BBDO, London.

8. The City of Atlanta

From last year, for Atlanta’s St. Patrick’s Day parade.

My Irish eyes are bleeding.

At least snakes didn’t start crawling out of his mouths.

Ad agency: Fitzgerald & Co., Atlanta.

Read more:

The 8 Best St. Patrick"s Day Ads

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