Sunday, May 31, 2015

There"s Actually A Course To Teach You How To Date At Boston College


There’s a popular scenario in a certain genre of film in which a college student (usually female) with poor time management skills and a tendency to procrastinate tells her professor (either a male or female) that she’ll do anything to get extra credit. It normally does not involve writing a paper.

It might not be as salacious as the aforementioned scenario, but one professor at Boston College is offering students a chance to boost their grades by doing something that could potentially lead to the same end result: going on a date.

Kerry Kronin, who I know from my time at school as “the professor who loves the term ‘hook up’ more than anyone else in existence,” offers students in her underclassmen philosophy course an incentive to go out on a real, old-fashion date. Students can pad their GPAs — as long as they follow a fairly strict set of criteria.

According to Total Sorority Move, the rules are as follows:

1. You must ask the person out in person.

2. The person must be someone you’ve never dated.

3. Arrange the date within three days of asking.

4. This person must be someone who is a legitimate romantic interest.

5. The date should be 45-90 minutes long.

6. You need to have a definite and simple plan for the date.

7. You must pay for the date yourself.

8. The date should involve no physical interaction.

9. No group dating, third wheels, or “wingmen” allowed.

You can tell the class is for freshman and sophomores because “A Tuesday night at Mary Ann’s does no constitute a ‘date’” is suspiciously absent from the list. I don’t think Cronin is going to win the battle against the “hook-up culture,” her sworn enemy, but I certainly admire her spirit.

via: The Boston Globe, Photo Courtesy: We Heart It

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There"s Actually A Course To Teach You How To Date At Boston College

Boston College, college classe, dates, dating, extra credit

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