Monday, February 15, 2016

CNBC’s Harwood preps for ‘Twitter onslaught’ about Tiger vs Gosnell coverage!/JohnJHarwood/status/323073404318142466

CNBC political correspondent John Harwood doesn’t “buy” all this silly hollering about the media blackout on accused murderer Kermit Gosnell and his abortion house of horrors.

I don’t buy MSM stuff but looks as if grotesque crimes committed. hope, if guilty, he’s locked up a long time @brithume @kirstenpowers10

— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) April 12, 2013

Know who the real victims are? The poor beleaguered media forced to publicly examine their biases and the reasons for their corrupt silence.

Beyond crass RT “@johnjharwood: Preparing now for Twitter onslaught asking why Tiger will get so much more attention than #Gosnell today

— Nashvegas (@ChrisCashwell) April 13, 2013

The horror! He might have to read tweets criticizing the media!

@johnjharwood what a crass comment. Shows your true intellect or lack thereof. Dead little girls and boys.

— Nashvegas (@ChrisCashwell) April 13, 2013

Tiger Woods’  two-shot penalty for an illegal drop at the Masters is newsworthy and generating a lot of buzz on Twitter today. But the infants who screamed and moved before Gosnell allegedly snipped their spines deserve a voice — one they never got a chance to have.

Things that will get more media coverage today than #gosnell ? Tiger’s two shot penalty.

— Whitney Pitcher (@whitneypitcher) April 13, 2013

Tiger’s possible illegal drop already getting more attention than #Gosnell. #AmoralAmerica

— Mamadoxie (@Mamadoxie) April 13, 2013

HLN, network of wall-to-wall Casey Anthony coverage, is covering the Tiger Woods penalty & Kobe injury. No word on if they’ll cover Gosnell.

— Calvin Drewlidge (@FigDrewton) April 13, 2013

On Friday, the conservative Twittersphere united to call out the brazen national media for ignoring Gosnell’s alleged crimes. Some journalists were shamed into finally covering the horrific testimony, but clearly, the fight isn’t over yet.


Twitchy’s special section on Kermit Gosnell

Read more:

CNBC’s Harwood preps for ‘Twitter onslaught’ about Tiger vs Gosnell coverage

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