It appears that the Democratic Party may be resorting to finally admitting that it will be difficult for President Obama to win reelection. Democratic strategist James Carville warned supporters in an email that it will be an uphill climb for Obama to claim a second term.
Here is an excerpt from the Weekly Standard:
“I wish I had good news for you,” Carville begins the pitch. “I want to tell you that President Obama has a second term in the bag. I want to tell you that the Koch Brothers are giving up their plot to buy the election.”
But here’s where things really stand: We’re gonna have to go through hell and high-water to win this damn thing. It’s gonna be hard. Every big-oil billionaire and Republican Super PAC is throwing the kitchen sink at President Obama.
"@Politisite: James Carville – We’re gonna have to go through hell and high-water to win this damn thing" Hoping for a levee break then.
— Todd Schnitt (@toddschnitt) July 29, 2012
Oh don"t you just love the SMELL OF DEMOCRAT DESPERATION 100 days before Election Day? #tcot #gop #teaparty #sgp #tlot
— Katy (@KatyinIndy) July 29, 2012
Carville: "We’re Gonna Have to Go Through Hell and High-Water to Win this Damn Thing" Do ya think so Jimmy,old boy? Ha!
— JP O"Brien (@Interradeserta) July 29, 2012
@Jim_Peoples_ Carville: Millions have been through hell for 3.7 yrs now and refuse to stay there. High water is coming your way. No lifeboat
— U.T.A. (@members4) July 29, 2012
we"ll be in Hell and High-Water if they do! RT @co2hog: Carville: "We’re Gonna Have to Go Through Hell and High-Water to Win this Damn…
— Shoebox (@Shoeboxnre) July 29, 2012
Carville admits: ‘We’re going to have to go through hell and high water to win’
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