Monday, February 16, 2015

Obama whines about ‘manufactured crisis,’ says criminals will roam free!/hale_razor/status/303901779911917568

POTUS: It seems like every 3 months around here, there’s some manufactured crisis.

— Steven Dennis (@StevenTDennis) February 19, 2013

President Obama spoke about the upcoming sequester cuts today and lashed out at Congress for having a “manufactured crisis” every three months.

Obama talking about manufactured crisis is rich #tcot

— Revolution Press (@DocLiberty) February 19, 2013

Rich, indeed.

Obama: “It seems like every 3 months around here there’s some manufactured crisis”… that you created.

— Jon Gabriel (@ExJon) February 19, 2013

Pres complains ‘it seems every few months there’s a manufactured crisis.’ Too bad the President can’t influence any of that.

— Brian Faughnan (@BrianFaughnan) February 19, 2013

“That I manuactured” #whome RT @davidnakamura: Obama: “It seems like every three months around here there’s some manufactured crisis.”

— Cindy Cooper (@CindyCoops) February 19, 2013

Obama calls sequester “Washington manufactured problem.” True, if by “Washington” he means his own White House.

— Philip Klein (@philipaklein) February 19, 2013

President Obama: “We can’t let manufactured crisis….” Does he not understand he #CREATED Sequestration?

— MarketWeight (@MarketWeight) February 19, 2013

Obama- “seems like every 3 weeks there’s a manufactured crisis around here”Note to Barry, YOU RUN THE FUCKING PLACE

— Adam Sharp (@SharpElbowsNet) February 19, 2013

President Revenge also threatened that “federal prosecutors would be forced to close cases and let those criminals go.”

Can anyone tell me why President Obama signed a bill into law that would result in the release of criminals into our streets? #tcot #p2

— Tommy (@FirstTeamTommy) February 19, 2013

I guess Americans need to stock up on guns & ammo to protect themselves from criminals being let loose bc of sequester

— Philip Klein (@philipaklein) February 19, 2013

Seriously, cutting non-defense spending by $40 bln in a $3.6 trillion budget is gonna lead to criminals being let loose?

— Philip Klein (@philipaklein) February 19, 2013

If the sequester results in criminals dominating the streets, fires ravaging neighborhoods, and locusts, why did President Obama propose it?

— Brad Dayspring (@BDayspring) February 19, 2013

Video of the fear-monger in chief here:

*New Video* Obama: Criminals will be let go if sequester cuts go through

— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) February 19, 2013

And right on cue:

CNN reporters angrily blaming Congress for the sequester that Obama created. #PalaceGuardMedia

— Jon Gabriel (@ExJon) February 19, 2013

MSNBC also blaming Congress for the Obama-created sequester. Also, they have a millionaire tax-cheat demanding we raise taxes.

— Jon Gabriel (@ExJon) February 19, 2013

Read more:

Obama whines about ‘manufactured crisis,’ says criminals will roam free

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