Sunday, February 15, 2015

While You Were Out: France Moves One Step Closer To Marriage Equality

1) France moves one step closer to marriage equality.

2) In the U.K., Tories are trying to delay the debate over marriage equality.

3) A number of queer films are coming out for the 63rd Annual Berlin Film Festival.

Photo by Bruce Bennett / Getty Images

1) In a survey, Tampa Bay Lightning players reveal they would support an out teammate.

2) San Francisco 49ers player, Chris Culliver, to undergo sensitivity training and education following his pre-game homophobic remarks.

3) The New York Times revises Ed Koch’s obituary to reflect his sexuality.

4) President Obama thinks the Boy Scouts of America should be open to gays.

1) Was Ed Koch the last politician to avoid answering the gay question?

2) Ed Koch’s complicated legacy leaves behind a world of art inspired by his inaction on AIDS.

Katy Winn, file / AP

1) Frank Ocean will not press charges against Chris Brown (pictured) following their brawl outside a recording studio.

2) An Oregon baker refuses to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple.

1) Matt Bomer is Da Man.

2) Out magazine reveals its annual Love portfolio.

3) Lea T is the sexy new face of United Colors of Benetton.

Rihanna, “Jump (Club Cheval Rap Remix feat. Theophilus London)”

Read more:

While You Were Out: France Moves One Step Closer To Marriage Equality

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