Monday, February 29, 2016

Michigan Superstore Chain Makes Extremely Geeky Jadeveon Clowney Twitter Joke

A few days ago, a Michigan fan affiliated with the MGoBlog site was having a conversation on Twitter about Jadeveon Clowney’s PTSD-inducing hit on Michigan running back Vincent Smith in this year’s Outback Bowl. He happened to mention Meijer, a Walmart-style Midwest chain, and an eagle-eyed Meijer social media manager quickly jumped into the discussion.

That right there is an extremely specific reference to the exact miscommunication on Michigan’s offensive line that allowed Clowney to run free and make his famous/infamous hit. Half of Meijer’s stores are in Michigan; they clearly understand the interests of their customers.

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Michigan Superstore Chain Makes Extremely Geeky Jadeveon Clowney Twitter Joke

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