Sunday, February 22, 2015

Justin Bieber Naked Holding Only A Guitar

According to TMZ, these photos are from Bieber’s grandmother’s houses on Canadian Thanksgiving in October 2012. TMZ explains that Justin “thought he’d prank [his family] by grabbing his guitar and playing a naked set a la Jenny from Forrest Gump.” Considering how these were taken at a family holiday celebration, the only question left is who, exactly, sold the photos to TMZ? Also, “WHY?” My eyes.

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Justin Bieber Naked Holding Only A Guitar

..., and, BuzzFeed,, Canadian Thanksgiving, celebration, eyes, family, family holiday celebration, Forrest Gump., guitar, holiday, how, image, image › TMZ, la Jenny, LINK, LINK, naked set, photos, playing, Prank, Read, s..., set, t..., Thanksgiving, TMZ, View, View this, View this image

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