Sunday, March 15, 2015

Kanye West Fans Claim They Have No Idea Who Paul McCartney Is

Inez and VinoodhInez and Vinoodh

Inez and Vinoodh

If you’re like me, you celebrated New Year’s day by waking up and regretting almost everything you did the night before.

But if you’re like Kanye West, you released a new collaboration with Paul McCartney called “Only One” (the song plays automatically on his site because, Kanye).

After the song was released, a number of people took to Twitter to make easy jokes about Kanye “discovering” Paul McCartney because that’s what Twitter was made for.

If you don’t understand the humor here, I suggest you look up a band called The Beatles and thank me later.

As someone who minored in Sarcasm in college, it was fairly obvious to me that the above comments were made in jest. But if you thought the rest of the Internet would see them the same way, you’re severely underestimating the stupidity of the general public.

You’d think people using social media to call other people stupid would do bit of research before name-calling, but it would appear feeling superior to others is far more important than figuring out whether or not those people were serious in the first place.

It’s worth noting that the user pictured above isn’t the only person to hop on the “Kanye West fans are morons” bandwagon — both the Daily Mail and E! ran articles featuring the aforementioned tweets because one minute of research is apparently one more minute than those writers were willing to devote to the articles.

I should mention there’s a chance that the people making fun of the people who acted like they’ve never heard of Paul McCartney are also in on the joke, and this whole thing is just one incredibly intricate meta performance piece, so if I turn out to be wrong, feel free to make fun of me.

There are only so many levels of irony I can take before my brain stops functioning entirely.

Read more:

Kanye West Fans Claim They Have No Idea Who Paul McCartney Is

idiots, kanye west, only one, Paul McCartney, Twitter

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