Monday, March 23, 2015

Research Shows Lefties Don"t Make As Much Money As Righties

We Heart ItWe Heart It

We Heart It

It’s no secret lefties lead a very unjust life.

Those with a dominant left hand can’t use scissors properly, they find it hard to write without the dreaded pencil smudges and soap dispensers are placed on the wrong side of the sink for their use.

Speaking as a lifelong lefty, I know.

But wait, there’s more: Harvard economist Joshua Goodman published a study concluding left-handers earn 10 to 12 percent less money than their right-handed compatriots because of how their brains are wired.

To complete the study, Goodman used three American and two UK databases to analyze the earnings, aptitudes, families and test scores of 47,000 people.

Goodman wrote,

…left-handed individuals show consistently lower cognitive skills and higher rates of mental and behavioral disabilities…

The English word left itself comes from the Old English lyft, meaning idle, weak, or useless.


Goodman attributes the financial discrepancy to the brain’s wiring. Some behaviorists believe children who begin favoring their left hands have actually been born with a slight cognitive disability.

Certain actions that should line up with the left or right side of the brain don’t, so a lefty is born from those crossed signals.

He also points out that because of a propensity toward difficulty learning and behavioral problems, left-handed students complete fewer years of school.

They’re also a few percentage points more likely to score very low on standardized tests.

But, here’s the caveat to Goodman’s claim. Bloomberg View points out the “lefty disadvantage” only occurred in families where left-handed children were born to right-handed parents.

Potentially, it’s the upbringing setting left-handed people back, not the brain.

Whether it’s the brain or Mom causing the problems, excuse me while I return to my regularly-scheduled diatribe about the lack of left-handed scissors available.

Read more:

Research Shows Lefties Don"t Make As Much Money As Righties

finances, Harvard, left handed, lefty, lefty disadvantage

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