Sunday, March 1, 2015

What acceptance speech? ‘State of the Union’ trends as Obama speaks to DNC!/amyewalter/status/243902144783204353

So, the Republican National Convention was a rerun? We know that President Obama’s stadium-sized presentation had to be downsized due to the raging monsoon in Charlotte, but was the speech downsized too in order to fit indoors?

Wow this is flat #tcot #Hewitt. State of the union replay?

— Hugh Hewitt (@hughhewitt) September 7, 2012

This feels like a State of the Union – not a convention rallying cry.

— Andrew Sullivan (@sullydish) September 7, 2012

All of these goals makes it feel like a State of the Union, not an acceptance speech.

— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) September 7, 2012

I thought the State of the Union was in winter?

— Daniel Foster (@DanFosterType) September 7, 2012

Obama"s speech feels very laundry-listy, like a State of the Union. Boring, even.

— Blake Hounshell (@blakehounshell) September 7, 2012

Gosh – the Obama thrill is gone. This really is a State of the Union laundry list of NOTHING. #DNC

— Ted Newton (@Ted_Newton) September 7, 2012

"State of the Union-y": is the most used term to describe POTUS" speech. Whoever gets it on Urban Dictionary wins the internet tonight. #DNC

— Jonathan Lee Krohn (@JonathanLKrohn) September 7, 2012

Summary so far: Bits of the 2008 convention speech, then a State of the Union, followed by a stump speech, and now straw men. #DNC2012 #tcot

— Daniel Anderson (@Dan__Anderson) September 7, 2012

I don"t think Obama & the people at the #DNC want "State of the Union" trending tonight. Neither would Republicans if POTUS was a Republican

— Marty Stokes (@mastokes91) September 7, 2012

This speech feels very "State of the Union." So tired. #DMC2012

— jon gabriel (@exjon) September 7, 2012

How is this different from every other Obama speech America started tuning out 2 years ago? #tcot #tlot #dnc

— Twain (@MaxTwain) September 7, 2012

Campaign told us nt to expect magic tonight. My hopes were still too high. Is this a state of the union? #DNC2012 #Obama2012

— Chuck Pro (@chuckprochaska) September 7, 2012

I"m lost, this feels more like State of the Union speech. Bring back Bill! Bring back Bill. Bring back Bill!!

— Melodie Lumley (@Melodielumley) September 7, 2012

Quite the State of the Union type address we are getting here. A LOT different from the fiery Hope and Change from 4 years ago.

— Daniel Wendt (@iWENDTthere) September 7, 2012

Stop the presses. Wisconsin loves it!

Speech about halfway through. Press is lukewarm about it ("State of the Union–y"), but Wisconsin delegation LOVES IT. Tie.

— VANITY FAIR (@VanityFair) September 7, 2012

Bill Clinton’s impassioned speech Wednesday night showed that he had been paying attention to the past four years, if not necessarily the facts. So why does Obama’s speech sound so stuck in 2008?

Obama launching into State of the Union-like laundry list of what he will do. Cuz everything he did over last four years FAILED. #DNC

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) September 7, 2012

Much like an M. Night Shyamalan film, you had to stay until the end for the big twist.

Obama: "So you see, the election four years ago wasn’t about me. It was about you. My fellow citizens – you were the change. "

— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) September 7, 2012

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What acceptance speech? ‘State of the Union’ trends as Obama speaks to DNC

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