Monday, March 16, 2015

Which TV Dad Is Actually Your Father?

Which TV Dad Is Actually Your Father?

  1. You got:

    Michael Bluth

    Good news: You’ve inherited your dad’s never ending patience and he’ll do anything for you. Bad news: The rest of your family are batshit crazy.

  2. You got:

    Walter White

    Your dad loves you, of that there’s no doubt. Unfortunately he’ll kill a lot of people and then say he did it all for you, which is a bit of a bummer.

  3. You got:

    Ned Stark

    You’ve inherited your father’s loyalty, and you’ve got a LOT of new siblings to play with. However as you were born out of wedlock you’ll be labelled a bastard for the rest of your days and then get shot by a redhead with a bow and arrow.

  4. You got:

    Tim “The Toolman” Taylor

    If you like building cars this is good news. If not, you’re probably best going next door and hanging out with his neighbour, Wilson. Now THAT guy knows his shit.

  5. You got:

    Uncle Phil

    Your dad is such a good dad that he’s an even better dad to kids whose own dads are rubbish dads.

  6. You got:

    John Watson

    Never was there a man as loyal as your dad, and if that wasn’t good enough his wife is some sort of super assassin. Your “uncle” Sherlock is a bit of an odd one, though.

  7. You got:

    Phil Dunphy

    The kind of dad who tries to act like he’s your age but always comes up slightly short. Also, you definitely got your fear of clowns from him.

  8. You got:

    Sandy Cohen

    You win, basically. He has an amazing house and an amazing family and is an amazing lawyer. You, therefore, are amazing.

  9. You got:

    Don Draper

    Don’t expect too much time or affection or love or… anything, basically. But when you’re old enough he’ll show you a damn good time. So there’s that.


Read more:

Which TV Dad Is Actually Your Father?

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