Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Gigglesnortage: Obama launches self-congratulatory hashtag, conservatives hijack!/BarackObama/status/258598093354856448

Allllllllllllrighty, then.

*That’s* your hashtag? RT @barackobama: The reviews are in: President Obama won last night’s debate. OFA.BO/j4X2sE #ObamaWinsDebate

— Jeff Emanuel (@jeffemanuel) October 17, 2012

Lamest. Hashtag. Ever. –> #ObamaWinsDebate

— Ben Howe (@BenHowe) October 17, 2012

This #ObamaWinsDebate hashtag strikes me as a serious case of insecurity.

— Fred M (@fredontwittur) October 17, 2012

No kidding. The self-crusher in chief is so desperate to believe that he emerged victorious from last night’s debate, he just had to start a hashtag to let the world know exactly how awesome he is.

Liberals were utterly delighted to join the president in patting himself on the back:

bLESSED BE RT @barackobama: The reviews are in: President Obama won last night’s debate. OFA.BO/j4X2sE #ObamaWinsDebate

— Homosexual Delicacy(@FuckinFrerard) October 17, 2012

//FUCK YEAH #ObamaWinsDebate!

— S.L. (@ShannonLetoRP) October 17, 2012

#ObamaWinsDebate #likeaboss

— Paul Brown (@elephantstone) October 17, 2012

whooooop! #Obama2012 RT @barackobama The reviews are in: President Obama won last night’s debate. OFA.BO/j4X2sE#ObamaWinsDebate

— Lady Steph (@raggazza_BELLA) October 17, 2012

Not even a question. RT @barackobama: The reviews are in: President Obama won last night’s debate. OFA.BO/j4X2sE #ObamaWinsDebate

— Carly Malmquist (@CarlyMalm) October 17, 2012

#ObamaWinsDebate : shows good judgment and macho man attributes!!

— vmp (@leyes3) October 17, 2012

But their celebratory dance didn’t last long. The hashtag was quickly hijacked by conservatives. Naturally, hilarity — and truth — ensued:

@barackobama #ObamaWinsDebate Said nobody of importance ever.

— jd (@jdfullerIII) October 17, 2012

23 million unemployed or underemployed. 16Trillion in debt… but, you know, #ObamaWinsDebate… Because that creates jobs.

— RB (@RBPundit) October 17, 2012

.@barackobama Ambassador Stevens remained unavailable for comment. #ObamaWinsDebate

— Stephen Sheiko (@stephensheiko) October 17, 2012

#ObamaWinsDebate If LYING is a requirement

— Bill Balderama (@WJGBalderama) October 17, 2012

If you believe #ObamaWinsDebate then I have some offshore drilling permits I’d like to sell you in Nebraska @twitchyteam #RomneyRyan2012

— Randy Pearson (@UVApolitics87) October 17, 2012

Because, in the eyes of Progressives, showing up is winning! #obamawinsdebate

— Tony Katz (@tonykatz) October 17, 2012

#ObamaWinsDebate Also, O.J. finds the real killers.

— Jim J (@anthropocon) October 17, 2012

#obamawinsdebate ….says his inner circle over and over and over again, hoping for a cookies and a pat on the head.

— Tony Katz (@tonykatz) October 17, 2012

#Obamawinsdebate if you watched while high on bath salts

— Dave (@Dmacmd) October 17, 2012

#obamawinsdebate the Broncos won the Super Bowl last year too.

— Justen Charters (@JustenCharters) October 17, 2012

#ObamaWinsDebate because applause from his wife and a bunch of drunk reporters is a great barometer of public opinion

— Randy Pearson (@UVApolitics87) October 17, 2012

#ObamaWinsDebate Also, Tofurkey now the Thanksgiving choice for most Americans.

— Jim J (@anthropocon) October 17, 2012

#obamawinsdebate. Also, paint chips make good snacks.

— Kevin (@KevOnTheRight) October 17, 2012

#ObamaWinsDebate wait, was that a pig that just flew by my window?

— Jill Woods (@ALittleWrath) October 17, 2012

#ObamaWinsDebate so convincingly that he’s pulling his campaign out of Florida and North Carolina.

— Jon G. (@ExJon) October 17, 2012

#ObamaWinsDebate is about as common an occurance as #FrenchMilitaryVictories.

— Chårly (@chuck_dizzle) October 17, 2012

#ObamaWinsDebate if NOT SUCKING AS BAD as last time counts as a win.#tcot, #tlot

— Gunnar (@stuntedtwin) October 17, 2012

#obamawinsdebate despite losing to Romney on all key issues.

— Sam Valley (@SamValley) October 17, 2012

#ObamaWinsDebate and Biden understands string theory.

— Gregoré (@greg_zemaitis) October 17, 2012

#ObamaWinsDebate Also, “Gigli” voted best movie of all time.

— Jim J (@anthropocon) October 17, 2012

#obamawinsdebate Regards, Thomas E. Dewey.

— Christian Collins (@mediachristian4) October 17, 2012

In his own mind #ObamaWinsDebate

— Brian Hire (@hireb) October 17, 2012

That’s right. Barack Obama clearly attended to the George Costanza School of Reality.

Let’s make sure the president gets the ultimate reality check in November.

Read more:

Gigglesnortage: Obama launches self-congratulatory hashtag, conservatives hijack

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