Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Oh noes! New Bloomberg poll shows Obama up 13 gazillion over Romney


Mitt Romney might as well pack his out-of-touch bags and head back to his castle in Racist McFancyPantsville. At least, that’s what progressives would like you to think after reading a new Bloomberg poll that shows President Obama with a 13-point lead over Romney.

ha. @politico and @milbank both announced Obama suffering thru Worst Period of Presidency; ….he"s now up 13 pts; http://t.co/5ycmKtMx

— Eric Boehlert (@EricBoehlert) June 20, 2012

Bloomberg poll has PBO up +13 over Romney in general but conservatives say Obama"s campaign is blowing it. #ThatAlternateUniverseMustBeNice

— Voncile Mayes (@allheavens) June 20, 2012

Dear wishful thinkers: meet reality.

This Bloomberg poll showing Obama up 13 is crazytown. interesting to see if Dems push it around. My guess is they"ll highlight crosstabs…

— Glenn Thrush (@GlennThrush) June 20, 2012


As it turns out, Bloomberg poll w Obama at +13 over Romney uses same sample as their poll showing Obamnesty w 64% support. No surprise there

— Starz and Strypz (@StarzandStrypz) June 20, 2012

Quick reality check on new Bloomberg poll showing Obama ahead by 13%. http://t.co/t3scphNN

— Christian Heinze (@CPHeinze) June 20, 2012

The RealClearPolitics average tells a very different story.

Hmmm…. which one of these is not like the other ones? #tcot #p2 #poll #decision2012 pic.twitter.com/7Olz5N3E

— Brandon (@Brand_Allen) June 20, 2012

@Brand_Allen It must suck to be all of those non-Bloomberg polls that have the race completely wrong.

— Starz and Strypz (@StarzandStrypz) June 20, 2012

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/06/20/oh-noes-new-bloomberg-poll-shows-obama-up-13-gazillion-over-romney/

Oh noes! New Bloomberg poll shows Obama up 13 gazillion over Romney

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