25 politicians that look like Disney characters. – [HuffingtonPost]
List of most popular baby names this year released, proves today’s parents are terrible people. – [FilmDrunk]
At 36, Sylvester Stallone’s son has died of apparent drug overdose. – [TMZ]
Let this old hippie teach you the ways of kangaroo catching using only a shopping bag. – [Geekosystem]
From nanotech to a universal translator, 7 future technologies the government is working on now. – [Tecca]
Why journalism is officially screwed. Hint: It has to do with dinosaur sex. – [Cracked]
After a year long study, it turns out the secrets to weight loss are still boring old common sense. – [Time]
Napoleon’s love letters to Josephine sound like crazy texts. – [MentalFloss]
The flooding in Russia’s Krasnodar region is reaching critical levels. – [TheDailyBeast]
Headline Story: Planning things out is for amateurs. – [Dorkly]
Read more: http://buzzfeed.com/donnad/if-lucas-had-planned-out-star-wars-and-other-wee
Community Post: If Lucas Had Planned Out "Star Wars" And Other Weekend Links
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