So, that happened. How easily countered is that nonsensical claim? This easily:
.@LukeRussert Because if there"s no travel ban NO ONE will try to sneak into the country with an infectious disease.
— S.M (@redsteeze) October 16, 2014
Bingo. And what about this:
@redsteeze @LukeRussert
Wait… Banning guns will prevent everybody from having them, but banning travel encourages illegal behavior?
— Beowulf (@B30wu1f2) October 16, 2014
@B30wu1f2 @redsteeze @LukeRussert Logic is HARD
— Caroline (@AnchorRoad) October 16, 2014
Yep. Feel safer yet, America? Perhaps this lady at Dulles airport has the right idea.
‘Your move, Ebola!’ So, homemade hazmat suit lady at Dulles airport is awesome [photo]
‘Feel comforted now’? CDC director Frieden: ‘We know how to control Ebola’
‘You don’t say": CDC director confesses that ‘borders can be porous’
‘Unacceptable"; Cardiologist shreds CDC instructions on Ebola protective gear
Here are two photos that capture CDC’s enraging incompetence, contradictions
That awkward moment when CDC cleared nurse to fly with fever. Then ‘forgot’ that HERE [photo]
This photo of second Ebola-infected nurse boarding a CDC plane is unbelievable
‘Wait. What?!?": CDC cleared second Ebola infected nurse to fly despite fever
‘Ya think?!’ CDC director says second nurse who contracted Ebola shouldn’t have flown
Here’s a flabbergasted Rob Lowe summing up CDC Ebola presser with two words
‘Idiocracy is upon us’: CDC director does a 180 on Ebola ‘protocol breach’ blame
‘Trying to CAUSE epidemic?’ This food delivery to Ebola family is truly unbelievable [photos]
News chopper caught Ebola clean-up crew; Um. Notice anything missing? (It’s enraging) [photo]
US can’t have Ebola ‘travel ban,’ because deception; One point destroys claim
travel ban, Twitchy
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