Thursday, February 4, 2016

Poll: Majority Want Obama To Lay Out Spending Cuts In Inaugural Address

Carolyn Kaster, File / AP

WASHINGTON — A new poll released by the non-partisan fiscal conservative group The Public Notice finds that a majority of Americans want Obama to lay out specific spending cuts in his second Inaugural address Monday.

The poll, conducted by the GOP pollster The Tarrance Group, finds nearly three in four Americans disagree with the statement Obama reportedly made to Speaker of the House John Boehner that “We don’t have a spending problem.” 56 percent of Americans want Obama to lay out cuts in his remarks this weekend.

Jobs and the economy and spending and the deficit are tied for the most important issue on the minds of Americans, the poll finds, with each earning the top slot by 29 percent of those polled.

The poll also found that a majority of Americans (52 percent) would rather have Oprah manage their money than the federal government (22 percent).

“The reason that spending and deficits are once again a top issue is because Americans recognize that it’s not only hurting our overall economy, but it’s also having a direct impact on their own personal finances,” said Public Notice Executive Director Gretchen Hamel. “The idea that we don’t have a spending problem is out-of-step with nearly three-quarters of those surveyed and it’s that view in Washington that is eroding public trust in the federal government’s ability to manage a budget. Americans trust Oprah over Washington to handle their family finances by a more than two-to-one margin; it’s time for our leaders to come clean about their addiction to spending.”

Read more:

Poll: Majority Want Obama To Lay Out Spending Cuts In Inaugural Address

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