Monday, July 6, 2015

Lanny Davis, citizens call out Obama SuperPAC’s Bill Burton on his lies!/iowahawkblog/status/233615502587613184

As Twitchy reported last night, even CNN called out Obama SuperPAC Priorities USA for its “wrong” and “deceptive” ad. The reprehensible Bill Burton, Priorities USA senior strategist and co-founder, stood by and defended the fallacious and despicable ad.

Burton: "What fact in that ad is wrong?" Blitzer: "The impression that you get that he killed her!"

— Joe Pounder (@PounderFile) August 8, 2012

Is that Tool Bag Bill Burton still defending that cancer ad? #Hack

— Stratego (@Pqlyur1) August 9, 2012

Indeed, he is. And now even Lanny Davis is attempting to distance himself from the contemptible Bill Burton.

DEMOCRAT Lanny Davis: “Bill Burton needs to go to ethics school, He knows perfectly well the ad is misleading and disgusting”

— Steven Miller (@slmiller222) August 9, 2012

Twitter users have had enough of the slime, and call out Bill Burton as only Twitter can.

Next Priorities ad, Romney ran against Kennedy in 1994, 15 years later he died. Coincidence?

— Andrew Kaczynski (@BuzzFeedAndrew) August 9, 2012

.@billburton716 why doesn"t the ad say, "And seven years later, completely unrelated, my wife was *first* diagnosed with late-stage cancer?"

— iLoveScienceSexually (@AceofSpadesHQ) August 9, 2012

A truthful timeline, @billburton716, would make it quite obvious there is no culpability whatsoever. Which is precisely why you avoid it.

— iLoveScienceSexually (@AceofSpadesHQ) August 9, 2012

coincidentally, when Soptic read his pre-written statement in the @stefcutter call, he ALSO just happened to get sketchy with timeline.

— iLoveScienceSexually (@AceofSpadesHQ) August 9, 2012

.@stefcutter and @billburton716 resorted to the exact same tactic to achieve the same result, but they didn"t mean to do what they did

— iLoveScienceSexually (@AceofSpadesHQ) August 9, 2012

Bingo. What else does Bill Burton believe? And by “believe,” we mean “pathologically lie.”

When you claim something is the direct opposite of what it clearly is you have #billburtonsbeliefs

— John Sexton (@verumserum) August 9, 2012

J.K. Rowling not saying Voldemort culpable for death of Harry"s parents. #billburtonsbeliefs @billburton716

— John Sexton (@verumserum) August 9, 2012

@AceofSpadesHQ @billburton716 The truth is secondary to political points #billburtonsbeliefs

— Andrews Dad (@Andrew_Dad) August 9, 2012

J.R.R. Tolkien not saying Sauron a bad guy. Just telling story of one Hobbit affected by his policies. #billburtonsbeliefs @billburton716

— John Sexton (@verumserum) August 9, 2012

The Avengers didn"t blame Loki for inter-dimensional invasion. Big confusion there. #schwarma #billburtonsbeliefs @billburton716

— John Sexton (@verumserum) August 9, 2012

Look, Anderson Cooper isn"t saying he"s GAY per se. Just that he likes to have sex with men. #billburtonsbeliefs

— Ben Howe (@BenHowe) August 9, 2012

That the National Socialist Workers Party wasn"t socialist. #billburtonsbeliefs

— Josh Painter (I-TX) (@Josh_Painter) August 9, 2012

Jersey Shore stars are not into tanning. #billburtonsbeliefs @billburton716

— John Sexton (@verumserum) August 9, 2012

Will Bill Burton be silent today, like lying liar who lies Stephanie CutterThe collusion between the SuperPAC and the Obama campaign has become more malignant than the cancer referred to in the outrageously slimy ad.

Read more:

Lanny Davis, citizens call out Obama SuperPAC’s Bill Burton on his lies

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