Saturday, August 8, 2015

Community Post: 32 Signs You"re A Weasley

1. You might have red hair,

3. and hand-me-down clothes.

4. But even if you don’t, you have plenty of other Weasley-worthy qualities.

5. You definitely have a top-notch sense of humour,

6. a stubborn streak,

7. and the emotional range of a teaspoon.

8. You’re always home for dinner,

9. because as a Weasley, you’ve got a truly impressive appetite,

15. … and some occasionally unflattering digestive issues.

16. You’re not a great dancer,

17. but that doesn’t make you any less FIERCE.

18. You’re at least mildly interested in the function of a rubber duck

19. and you know how to make a point.

20. You think everything is wicked,

21. and you can be a little disorganized.

22. You eat, sleep, and breathe Quidditch,

23. and you dream of a world without spiders.

24. You often find yourself in dangerous situations,

27. and you can be hella brave.

28. Still, you occasionally buckle under pressure.

29. Sometimes, you feel awkward.

30. Sometimes, you try to make other people feel awkward.

31. You compete with your siblings,

32. but you love to brag when someone in your family does something awesome.

33. You’re a born leader,

34. but you’re not afraid to stick it to the man.

35. You’re a genuine badass mother-ginger,

36. and pretty much all your friends and family members are badasses, too.

37. You may be poor, but you still have tons of cool stuff.

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