Sunday, August 9, 2015

Michael Brown"s Memorial Was Immediately Rebuilt After It Burned Down (Photos)


A memorial for Michael Brown that was set up on the street where the 18-year-old was fatally shot has burned down.

According to ABC News, police say it was probably candles on the memorial that caused last night’s fire, but some believe the incident was intentional, claiming to have smelled gasoline in the aftermath.

A second memorial just a few feet away remained unaffected by the fire, which was put out by the Ferguson Fire Department.

The original stuffed animals and mementos were pretty much completely destroyed, but efforts to rebuild the memorial began hours after the fire, with a new mountain of stuffed animals standing in its place.

The fire came just days after two men robbed six customers walking of a St. Louis restaurant with one yelling “This is for Michael Brown!” as he fled the scene.

H/T: New York Daily News, Photo Courtesy: Twitter

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Michael Brown"s Memorial Was Immediately Rebuilt After It Burned Down (Photos)

burned down, fire, memorial, michael brown, Mike Brown memorial

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