Tuesday, August 11, 2015

‘Proud wacko bird’ Ted Cruz highlights conservative momentum


It might only be three weeks’ worth, but Sen. Ted Cruz said in his keynote address at CPAC Saturday that conservatives are winning right now, and it’s a “dirty secret” the Obama administration and the media don’t want you to know.

Senator Ted Cruz talking about how Conservatives have been #winning lately. #CPAC2013 twitter.com/SBroadie/statu…

— Sharon Broadie (@SBroadie) March 16, 2013

Cruz: Despite what media says, for the past 3 weeks Conservatives have been WINNING.

— GlockLady (@GlockLady) March 16, 2013

This is based on …. RT @domeniconbc Ted Cruz: “We’re winning right now.” OK

— Dan Amira (@DanAmira) March 16, 2013

Repubs lost the White House and seats in both the House and Senate last Nov. Yet, Sen. Cruz insists they’re winning. Someone please explain…

— Chris Kirby (@CKKirbs) March 16, 2013

True, conservatives certainly didn’t win the day in November, but Cruz’s assessment is based on a series of smaller triumphs which have grabbed the public’s attention recently, says senior communications advisor Amanda Carpenter.

Cruz’s 3 examples of conservative wins: filibuster, sequestration, and holding all Senate Republicans together to vote to defund Obamacare

— Amanda Carpenter (@amandacarpenter) March 16, 2013

@foxnewspolitics What do you mean don’t know what Ted Cruz meant by we have been winning for 3 weeks? #sequester backfired #standwithrand

— Hyta N (@Hyta_n) March 16, 2013

Three weeks (including a 13-hour filibuster) is a nice run, but how do conservatives keep winning? Cruz went on to lay out the specifics of his plan, beginning with a vigorous defense of the Constitution.

#CPAC2013 Ted Cruz: How do we keep winning. Number one defend the constitution.

— warnerthuston (@warnerthuston) March 16, 2013

Ted Cruz: How do we keep winning? 1) Defend the Constitution 2) Champion growth and opportunity. #CPAC2013

— Sarah Muro (@SarahMuro) March 16, 2013

TED CRUZ: If standing for the constitution and liberty make you a wacko bird, then I’m a #ProudWackoBird. #cpac2013 twitter.com/ChrizDDv3/stat…

— Chris Denhart (@ChrizDDv3) March 16, 2013

.@tedcruz “We need to audit The Fed and stop QE infinity. We need to abolish the Department of Education.” #CPAC2013

— Tracy Lee (@RememberComeNov) March 16, 2013

Lib caller: “I was like, really scared, when Ted Cruz said he wanted to cut the Department of Education”

— Kyle Raccio (@kyleraccio) March 16, 2013

Ted Cruz said “audit the Fed” and I agree

— Annamaria Combs (@ciclamino1960) March 16, 2013

@tedcruz: “We must stand with Israel!”#IChooseCruz #CPAC2013

— Brad Fingeroot (@FingerootB) March 16, 2013

Right on!!! RT @cpacnews: “We need to stop sending foreign aid to nations that hate us.” @tedcruz #CPAC2013

— Broncos ♥ Fan (@lori_gray) March 16, 2013

“On guns do we surrender or stand up now. On drones do we surrender or stand up now.”―Senator Ted Cruz

— Citizen Journalism (@quintana007) March 16, 2013

On guns, on drones, on spending, in debt, on the Constitution – we do not surrender – @tedcruz #CPAC

— Peggy Venable (@pvenable) March 16, 2013

Why do I love Ted Cruz, but am so wary of Rand Paul? Simple. Defense, national security, foreign policy, and counterterrorism issues.

— Ken Gardner (@kesgardner) March 16, 2013

Conservatives in attendance might not have gone into the speech feeling like they were winning, but many left feeling that way.

@tedcruz thank you for firing me back up today and once again renewing my faith in America!!!

— AmericanWolverine (@untwin34) March 16, 2013

Senator @tedcruz inspires #CPAC2013 & brings the crowd to its feet, carrying the message-filled crowd out of conference on our feet!! #STAND

— BoldFreshJew © (@BoldFreshJew) March 16, 2013

@tedcruz ends speech with the longest sustained standing ovation from a packed room, I’ve seen in all 3 days of #CPAC

— Ana Navarro (@ananavarro) March 16, 2013

Panoramic shot of the packed #CPAC2013 crowd as keynote speaker Sen. Ted Cruz closes out a great weekend! twitter.com/ngomsiv/status…

— Vinciane (@ngomsiv) March 16, 2013

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/03/16/winning-proud-wacko-bird-sen-ted-cruz-highlights-conservative-momentum/

‘Proud wacko bird’ Ted Cruz highlights conservative momentum

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