Monday, October 12, 2015

Rep. Amash thinks Rep. Dingell’s scooter is a sweet ride, wants to move in with Speaker Boehner!/repjustinamash/status/210561181717504000

If you’re not familiar with Rep. John Dingell, he’s the 85-year-old Michigan Democrat who looks slightly alarmed each time the speaker pro tempore says, “The gentleman’s time has expired.”

Could Rep. Justin Amash be trying to spice up his Twitter feed in an effort to win the GOP New Media Challenge?

Twitter Follower Bomb is on! Will you help me get 10k followers by Friday @ 5 p.m. to win GOP New Media Challenge? #liberty

— Justin Amash (@repjustinamash) June 7, 2012

His Twitter dispatches are certainly more entertaining than most congressional tweets. Here’s a sample of what his Twitter feed has to offer:

I don"t wear fancy hats.

— Justin Amash (@repjustinamash) June 7, 2012

#ThingsThatBotherMe #FederalReserve #sinisterclowns #governmentsubsidies #dietcola

— Justin Amash (@repjustinamash) June 7, 2012

Sometimes wish I lived w/ @SpeakerBoehner so he could tie my tie in the morning. I must waste an extra 10 mins getting dimple right.

— Justin Amash (@repjustinamash) June 6, 2012

Two-minute voting on House floor. That"s plenty o"time to decide how to allocate billions of your tax dollars. #sarcasm

— Justin Amash (@repjustinamash) June 7, 2012

I asked the Prez to add me to the National Do Not Kill Registry. #StopTheDrones #4thAmendment

— Justin Amash (@repjustinamash) June 7, 2012


Read more:

Rep. Amash thinks Rep. Dingell’s scooter is a sweet ride, wants to move in with Speaker Boehner

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