Friday, October 16, 2015

UK Muslims ask politicians to refer to ISIS as ‘Un-Islamic State’!/slone/status/511305981805199360

First, President Obama took the occasion of a national address to inform the country that “ISIL is not Islamic.” British Prime Minister David Cameron seemed to echo that surprise comment today in a statement on the beheading of David Haines, saying that ISIL “are not Muslims. They are monsters.”

A coalition of U.K. Muslim leaders seems to have taken a shine to the idea that the Islamic State isn’t Islamic, demanding that ISIS be called “the Un-Islamic State.”

The Independent reports:

A group of prominent Muslims has written to David Cameron to ask that he uses a different name for the group, and to lead a national debate on what it should be called.

“We propose that ‘Un-Islamic State’ (UIS) could be an accurate and fair alternative name to describe this group and its agenda – and we will begin to call it that,” the letter says.

Signatories to the letter include Sughra Ahmed, the president of the Islamic Society of Britain. Members of New Horizons in British Islam, the Association of British Muslims and the Association of Muslim Lawyers also signed the letter.

Using the group’s preferred name could help it radicalise yet more Britons, the signatories wrote.

“We need to work together and make sure that these fanatics don’t get the propaganda that they feed off,” the letter says.

@slone They self identify as Islamic. UK Muslim leaders are asking wrong person.

— SorenaGrrl76 (@SLafrancis2013) September 15, 2014

@slone @instapundit LMAO yeah like calling it something else will make it NOT Islamic. Guess we know why Obama said this.

— Tommy Duggan (@ValleyPatriot) September 15, 2014

@georgeszejner @slone perhaps they could debate with Al-Baghdadi (PHD in Islamic studies) himself if they want to establish the "true" Islam

— Tom Tyler (@TomTyler12) September 15, 2014

Let me think… NO
"UK Muslim leaders demand that Cameron call the Islamic State the “Un-Islamic State”"

— Lady Strawman Slayer (@TheyJustRazedIt) September 14, 2014

I agree with Islamic Soc. of Britain and the Assoc. of Muslim Lawyers. #ISIS is un-Islamic and not a state. Call them "Levantine Barbarians"

— Adrian Churchward (@abchurchward) September 14, 2014

@slone @AdamBaldwin I name them EVIL, and evil must be stopped!

— Joshua Blissett (@jbiz13) September 15, 2014

Read more:

UK Muslims ask politicians to refer to ISIS as ‘Un-Islamic State’

David Cameron, Islamic state, Muslim leaders, politicians, Religion & Beliefs, Society & Culture, Un-Islamic State

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