Sunday, April 26, 2015

99-year-old sews a dress a day for needy kids…and she’s on track for 1000 by the time she’s 100

Lillian Weber is 99 years old, and she has a goal… She is intent on making 1,000 dresses by the time she turns 100 this coming May. And so far, it looks like she will — Lillian has made 840 dresses and shows no sign of stopping…


For the past few years, Lillian has been sewing a dress a day for children in need. She donates them to Little Dresses For Africa, a charity that gives clothes to children in Africa and elsewhere around the world.


Why “only” one dress a day?

Lillian says she could make two, but she only makes one a day so that she has time to personalize it with careful stitch work — something special for the little girl who will someday wear it.





Read more:

99-year-old sews a dress a day for needy kids…and she’s on track for 1000 by the time she’s 100

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