Thursday, April 30, 2015

Cartoon of the day: Snicker! Establishment GOP is totally ‘behind’ Ted Cruz!/IdaFlo/status/383210171750551552

Oh, that’s just perfect.

The cartoon over at Legal Insurrection shows how the Beltway-entrenched GOP totally has Ted Cruz’s back!!/rumrot/status/383126066107518976

Yep. Spines are frightening! As Larry the Cable Guy said, Ted Cruz “has the balls.

As Twitchy reported, the knives are already out for the too brave Sen. Cruz. Is Sen. Lee next on the establishment hit list? Stay tuned.

In the meantime, check out more great Branco cartoons over at Legal Insurrection.


Cruz wingman! Sen. Mike Lee had ‘miles to go before I sleep’; Citizens have miles of praise

‘Spectacular day in America’: Citizens cheer Sen. Cruz for marathon speech

‘He actually has the balls’: Larry the Cable Guy applauds Ted Cruz, slams Obamacare

Surprise! AP embraced #StandWithWendy, follows ‘policy’ for Cruz-related hashtags

‘Whitewash media’: ABC, WaPo sneer at Sen. Cruz; Malkin, citizens school

Snark-tastic and poignant: What’s the difference between Cruz, Rubio and Wendy Davis?

‘Bahaha!’ Dennis Miller ponders Left’s reaction if Ted Cruz was here illegally as only he can

‘Mike Lee, I am your father’: Ted Cruz offers up Darth Vader impression on Senate floor 

Sarah Palin can hear Ted Cruz from her house; Offers Alaska-style fortification [pics]

Ted Cruz rocks a ‘Come and Take It’ flag pin on the Senate floor [photos]

‘See your filthy paw prints, Rove’ Who sent oppo research on Ted Cruz to Chris Wallace?

Read more:

Cartoon of the day: Snicker! Establishment GOP is totally ‘behind’ Ted Cruz

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