Thursday, April 30, 2015

Nothing Is Better Than Adorable British Children Flipping Pancakes

1. Have you heard of Shrove Tuesday, AKA Pancake Day?

Matt Cardy / Getty Images

Salisbury Cathedral on February 5, 2013 in Salisbury, England.

2. It’s a Catholic holiday focused on stuffing your face with fatty things before Lent starts.

Matt Cardy / Getty Images

3. And, at least in the UK, it involves pancake-flipping races (!)

Matt Cardy / Getty Images

4. These adorable children in the Salisbury Cathedral Choir are practicing their flip skillz a week early, since they’ll be on holiday next week.

Matt Cardy / Getty Images

5. They drop the pancakes on the ground sometimes, but it’s okay!

Matt Cardy / Getty Images

6. Because…

Matt Cardy / Getty Images

7. There is nothing on earth better than these children.

Matt Cardy / Getty Images

Would totally still eat those dirty pancakes, just because they are so lovable.

Read more:

Nothing Is Better Than Adorable British Children Flipping Pancakes

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