Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Sunday morning news shows pitch sole-searching interviews with Wendy Davis


As @BarackObama might say, “something special is happening” on Sunday morning!

Texas lawmaker and late-term abortion proponent Wendy Davis will, as of now, make Sunday morning appearances on ABC, NBC and CBS.

Here’s ABC News Senior Washington Correspondent Jeff Zeleny’s pitch for the upcoming appearance on “This Week”:


Who’s up for talking about shoes and how Rick Perry got too personal?

Zeleny, the Perry Como of the press corps, generated a little reaction to his promotion:





Davis will also be on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” Tweeters predicted the line of questioning from David Gregory:



Not likely. The lock up scenario is only for people who risk helping make Obama look bad.

We can be fairly certain what won’t be asked:


Rhetorical question of the day:


Good one!

Not that any of the Sunday shows will use it, but “Wendy Davis Eyes” would make the perfect bumper music:


‘Something is deeply wrong’: Kirsten Powers slams ‘hero worship’ of Wendy Davis

Gov. Rick Perry ‘slut-shames’ Sen. Wendy Davis by noting her accomplishments

‘And you teach?’ Brit Hume takes on Wendy Davis supporters, Twitter trolls in classic style

Boom! Laura Ingraham destroys ‘hero’ Wendy Davis with one question

Editor’s note: The name of ABC reporter Jeff Zeleny has been corrected to fix a spelling mistake. Twitchy regrets the error.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/06/28/master-class-on-pro-abortion-media-bias-sunday-morning-shows-pitch-sole-searching-interviews-with-wendy-davis/

Sunday morning news shows pitch sole-searching interviews with Wendy Davis

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