Saturday, January 30, 2016

Andrew Cuomo Doesn"t Take The Subway

Mike Groll / AP

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo admitted to never taking the subway at a press conference today.

Capital New York reports:

“Um, the last time has been before I’ve been governor,” said Cuomo, in response to a question about the last time he took the subway and what his experience was like. “Look, our subway service, our bus service is a tremendous asset for this city and the state. It works extraordinarily well. It’s a great investment. It’s one that we want to continue and grow. We can always make it safer. We can always make it faster. We can always make it cleaner. But it’s a great service.”

Contrast with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has been taking the subway “longer than you’ve been born.” (Except he gets driven to the subway stop in an SUV every day, as the Times discovered in 2007.)

Read more:

Andrew Cuomo Doesn"t Take The Subway

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