Friday, January 22, 2016

The Rumor That Emma Watson And Prince Harry Are Dating Has Shaken Muggles Everywhere

Because who didn’t secretly want Hermione to get with Harry?

1. A totally unconfirmed rumor from Australia’s Women’s Day claims that after Emma Watson and rugby player Matthew Janney split last year, Prince Harry sent her a letter inviting her to a party.

“Harry didn’t want her to feel like she was put on the spot,” an “insider” told the tabloid. “A party also shows he’s fun and not stuffy.”

The source added, “He’s smitten — and it’s more than Emma’s looks.”

Paul Hackett / Reuters

Eliseo Fernandez / Reuters


3. And people have quite a lot of ~opinions~ on the matter.

4. First, there was disbelief.


— Audj_Podj (@Audrey Lewis)

If Emma Watson and Prince Harry are actually dating, I’m going to cry 😭😭

— caatherrinee (@Catherine Anderson.)

apparently prince harry of the royal family and emma watson are dating what is life even

— foIIowxheIp (@follow help squad ¨̮)

9. Then they were excited.

Oh PLEASE let Emma Watson and Prince Harry be actually dating PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE we deserve this we’ve been so good

— mizgillianberry (@Gillian Berry)

If Emma Watson & Prince Harry really are dating, Beyonce & Jay Z are about to lose their power couple throne. #battleroyale

— jakeloesch (@Jake Loesch)

COULD YOU IMAGINE IF EMMA WATSON MARRIED INTO THE ROYAL FAMILY there is probably nothing that would make me happier. #marryharry

— alison_mcneil (@Alison McNeil)

13. And then came the perfect Harry Potter jokes.

Emma Watson is dating Prince Harry! Despite JK Rowling’s best efforts, Hermione is finally hooking up with Harry!

— ElizaBayne (@Eliza Bayne)

I hope Prince Harry and Emma Watson last because if they have a son, it will be the half-blood prince.

— FattMernandez (@Matt Fernandez)

prince harry and emma watson is the muggle version of viktor krum and hermione.

— SorayaRoberts (@Soraya Roberts)

FB just let me know that Prince Harry is apparently dating Hermione. If you date a Muggle with Royal blood is your kid still a Mudblood or..

— BigStew67 (@Hunter Steward)

Emma Watson is now dating a better-looking version of Ron named Harry? This is Siriusly hilarious.

— camtotheyams (@Cameran Alavi)

Apparently Emma Watson and Prince Harry are dating. Hermione really does have a thing for gingers

— seccathaholic (@SEC Cathaholic)

20. Because who is more princess-like than Emma Watson?

Literally no one.

Let’s be real, Emma Watson would make an AMAZING princess… #RoyalRumors

— WWKD_Official (@What Would Kate Do)

Emma Watson and Prince Harry? SHE DESERVES TO BE A PRINCESS. SHE DESERVES IT. #royalwedding2015

— liz_pierson (@Liz Pierson)

I heard Prince Harry & Emma Watson were maybe dating & immediately insulted everyone by recasting the best movie ever

— ErinStrecker (@Erin Strecker)

If Emma Watson and Prince Harry are actually dating and eventually got married, who would be making who royalty? Ya know?

— sahexy (@SS)

25. *Crosses fingers forever*

I hope the rumors about Prince Harry and @EmWatson dating are true, and I hope they have beautiful half-muggle, half-royal babies.

— alykeves (@Aly Keves)


Emma Watson basically shut down the rumor in a tweet — but we can all still dream. BF_STATIC.timequeue.push(function () document.getElementById(“update_article_update_time_5052695”).innerHTML = UI.dateFormat.get_formatted_date(‘2015-02-22 11:28:20 -0500’, ‘update’); );

WORLD ♥ Remember that little talk we had about not believing everything written in the media?!

— EmWatson (@Emma Watson)

Read more:

The Rumor That Emma Watson And Prince Harry Are Dating Has Shaken Muggles Everywhere

emma watson, emma watson prince harry, Harry Potter, Hermione, Prince, Prince Harry, princess

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