Sunday, April 12, 2015

28 Fruits And Vegetables That You Had No Idea Grew Like That

I have no idea how I exist as an adult human who consumes food and didn’t know most of these, and yet here I am. No shame about not knowing these.

1. Brussels sprouts are actually little nubs that grow on weird long stalks. They look like that stick with bells on it that Mannheim Steamroller plays for Christmas songs.

Flickr: cellphonesusie / Creative Commons

Flickr: cjmartin Creative Commons


2. Pineapples grow out of a short freakish plant on the ground WTF WTF WTF?!?!?!? / Creative Commons

3. Cashews are that little brown dingle on the end of a fruity thing.

Flickr: richardvignola / Creative Commons

Flickr: ax2groin Creative Commons


4. Artichokes are actually the stiff outer petals around a flower. A flower! Who knew?!

Flickr: miran / Creative Commons

5. Pomegranates grow on trees.

Flickr: kthread / Creative Commons

Flickr: martinlabar / Creative Commons


6. Asparagus comes straight up out of the damn ground like the hand popping out of the grave at the end of Carrie.

(Spoiler alert? Sorry.)

7. Kiwis grow on vines and are cultivated like grapes. Kiwi vines!

Flickr: scazzophoto / Creative Commons

8. Leeks have a beautiful purple flower.

Flickr: eugene / Creative Commons

9. Persimmons grow on a big tree.

Flickr: 4thglryofgod / Creative Commons

10. Cocoa beans for chocolate grow inside bright pods on a tree.

Flickr: iita-media-library / Creative Commons

11. Celery is a big leafy flowery sprawly thing.

Flickr: edibleoffice / Creative Commons

12. Beets are roots (duh) that grow in the ground with little leafy tops.


13. Saffron is the little orange stamen of a special kind of crocus flower.

14. Bananas grow in clumps on tall plants (technically not trees) around a flower spike.

Flickr: joeshlabotnik / Creative Commons

15. Peanuts grow as gross little dongles off the roots of the plant in the ground.

Flickr: nebedaay / Creative Commons

16. Cloves are dried up little flower buds of the clove tree.


17. Cantaloupes grow on the ground like a pumpkin (did you think they grew in trees? I sort of did. I think if I thought hard I’d know they grew on the ground, but my gut said “trees.” Oh well).

Flickr: tcd123 / Creative Commons

18. Capers are the unopened bud of a pretty flower (note the little green balls).

Flickr: mahmood / Creative Commons

19. Cranberries grow in low bushy plants like this:

Flickr: catchesthelight Creative Commons

Flickr: the_napkin / Creative Commons


To harvest them, they flood the bogs and do this:

Flickr: masseea / Creative Commons


Yeah, yeah, everyone knows how cranberries grow. I just wanted an excuse to use this GIF.

20. Broccoli florets are also little closed flower buds.

21. Black pepper is made from dried peppercorn fruits that grow on a vine.

Flickr: steenbergs / Creative Commons

22. Avocados grow on tall trees (shut up, Californians who are eye-rolling at this one).

 / Creative Commons

Flickr: 24027284@N08 / Creative Commons


23. Chickpeas come in little grean pods (like a pea, doye) in a low little plant.

Flickr: 57402879@N00 / Creative Commons

24. Olives grow on trees with gnarled, fucked up trunks.

Flickr: ukinitaly / Creative Commons

Flickr: doubleray / Creative Commons


25. Blueberries grow on spindly little bushes.

Flickr: martinrstone / Creative Commons

26. Lemons grow on trees like oranges (that was an easy one — everyone knows that, right?).

Flickr: 13101664@N03 / Creative Commons

27. Paprika (the spice) comes from ground-up dried red peppers that are technically the same species of plant as regular bell peppers.

Flickr: pressebereich_dehner / Creative Commons

28. And arugula is just a bunch of janky leaves growing out of the dirt. AND NOW YOU KNOW.

Flickr: elanaspantry / Creative Commons

Read more:

28 Fruits And Vegetables That You Had No Idea Grew Like That

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