Monday, April 20, 2015

Betch of the Week: Amanda Seyfried

Today"s betch of the week needs no introduction but since she"s so amazing we"ll give her one anyway. Introducing the backbone of Les Mis, Amanda Seyfried.

Mandy, who was obviously hot since betchhood, became a model when she turned 11, when she appeared in a Limited Too campaign with none other than Leighton Meester, which almost cancels out the poor factor of Limited Too. Unfortunately it wasn"t until she grew breasts with the magical ability to tell when it"s raining that she entered our lives as the great Karen Smith.

Since then she"s been in a series of hits which have clearly displayed her full range of talent, from her amazing voice in Mamma Mia to her superior penmanship in Dear John. After becoming the face of Chloe, fondling Julieanne Moore"s nipples in a different Chloe, and having a severely underrated performance in Jennifer"s Body we"re sure Mandy has a bright and betchy future ahead of her.

And to the Academy, shame on you for that Supporting Actress award. It really should"ve been Mandy but everyone forgets about her because she"s such a slut.

Finally, a collection of Mandy"s betchiest quotes.

On #5 diets: “It"s intense. And sort of awful. Yesterday for lunch? Spinach. Just Spinach. Spinach and some seeds.”

On #112 talking about herself: “I"m trouble, but in a good way.”

On PETA: “When taxidermy is done well it’s an amazing piece of art. I love animals and they’re very easy to look after when they’re dead”

On using the F-word: “You can’t say ‘that’ word in America but I do use it — when I’m in good hands. I like it because people are so terrified of it. It’s weird that words have that much power but I don’t feel like I’m doing females wrong by saying it.”

On #36 not doing work: “I worked hard in 2009, but it didn’t seem that hard. I spent two months in London with Dominic. I shot in Verona, Italy, for Letters to Juliet. I mean, how hard is that?”

On #118 working out: “I used to live, eat and sleep by an exercise schedule, and I couldn’t enjoy myself if I didn’t exercise. And then I realized, What a waste of time!”

On life: “I talk like I know what I"m saying, but I don"t.”

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Betch of the Week: Amanda Seyfried

betch of the week

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