Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Community Post: 10 Signs You Go To Wharton

10. People seem to walk around in suits all the time.

9. You secretly know you’d fail out if you were in Engineering.

But that doesn’t stop you from being more stressed out than them.

7. Everyone thinks you’re an asshole…

…and you’re concerned they might be right.

6. You experience a moment of hatred for the person kicking you out of your GSR.

You experience a similar moment of hatred when someone in your GSR takes 10 minutes to pack up.

5. The thought of committing financial fraud has crossed your mind…

…And it doesn’t sound so bad.

4. You say “Goldman” or “J.P.” at least once a day.

3. You spend more time trying to figure out the curve than actually studying.

But let’s be honest, you don’t know what you’re studying anyways.

2. If you’re a freshman, you want to be different and not concentrate in Finance.

1. If you’re a senior, you concentrated in Finance.

But hey, dreams are overrated. Money is forever.

Read more: http://buzzfeed.com/kaustubhd/10-signs-you-go-to-wharton-hbs6

Community Post: 10 Signs You Go To Wharton

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