Thursday, April 2, 2015

Why Kendall Jones And Safari Hunters Are Wrong

What the safari hunting industry doesn’t want you to know about hunting lions.

1. Let’s start at the beginning..

In May 2013, I attended the National Rifle Association convention in Houston, Texas. To be honest, nothing really surprised or shocked me at the convention, except one thing:

There was an entire aisle dedicated to exotic animal hunting excursions.

2. Up until then, I had no idea you could legally hunt lions, zebras, elephants, leopards, etc.

Up until then, I had no idea you could legally hunt lions, zebras, elephants, leopards, etc.

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3. At the convention, safari hunting booths were covered in pictures of kills.

At the convention, safari hunting booths were covered in pictures of kills.

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4. Each claimed to be the best safari hunting company, providing the absolute best, most unique safari hunting experience.

Each claimed to be the best safari hunting company, providing the absolute best, most unique safari hunting experience.

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5. “Truly the best elephant hunting”

“Truly the best elephant hunting”

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6. “Africa: 10 days 10 animals”

“Africa: 10 days 10 animals”

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8. Fast forward 9 months later…

9. Kendal Jones, a 19-year-old from Texas, posts pictures of her safari hunts on Facebook…

Kendal Jones, a 19-year-old from Texas, posts pictures of her safari hunts on Facebook...

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Facebook: kendalltakeswild

10. … everyone went insane…

... everyone went insane...

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Facebook: kendalltakeswild

11. … and I made this post about how cowardly it is to kill a lion.

... and I made this post about how cowardly it is to kill a lion.

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12. And then I started getting Facebook messages from every angry white middle-aged man in America.

And then I started getting Facebook messages from every angry white middle-aged man in America.

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14. Last October, I spent three days with lion experts Beverly and Dereck Joubert in Botswana. The Jouberts told me that lions are the most important creatures to study because they are a top predator. Without lions, the whole system falls apart.

Last October, I spent three days with lion experts Beverly and Dereck Joubert in Botswana. The Jouberts told me that lions are the most important creatures to study because they are a top predator. Without lions, the whole system falls apart.

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15. Beverly and Dereck have been making films and studying lions for over 30 years now. They are both citizens of Botswana.

Beverly and Dereck have been making films and studying lions for over 30 years now. They are both citizens of Botswana.

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16. Botswana is one of only two countries to completely outlaw all trophy hunting in Africa. On September 13, 2013 all trophy hunting was banned there.

Botswana is one of only two countries to completely outlaw all trophy hunting in Africa. On September 13, 2013 all trophy hunting was banned there.

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17. In its place, Botswana has adopted a low-impact, small-footprint, ecotourism model. It’s one of exclusivity.

In its place, Botswana has adopted a low-impact, small-footprint, ecotourism model. It’s one of exclusivity.

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The Jouberts have started their own resorts adopting this eco-friendly model in Botswana and Kenya. They have a “copy left” instead of “copyright” mentality. Basically this means they’ll give any group their entire business model — everything from how they make their tents to how they build their trucks.

18. Tourism accounts for $80 billion in Africa’s economy. The Jouberts believe that if you remove an iconic species, a huge amount of that money goes away.

Tourism accounts for $80 billion in Africa’s economy. The Jouberts believe that if you remove an iconic species, a huge amount of that money goes away.

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Beverley Joubert

19. Before these anti-hunting laws went into effect, Botswana had areas called “hunting concessions” where safari hunting was legal. Since safari hunting is now banned, these former hunting concessions are being auctioned off.

Before these anti-hunting laws went into effect, Botswana had areas called

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The Jouberts said they hope other tourism agencies buy these concessions and turn them into eco-friendly resorts. That way, the area can return back to its original, wild state.

20. Which brings me back to the NRA…

Which brings me back to the NRA…

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An argument many people make about the conservation of lions is that they’re not even on the endangered species list or “red list.” According to the Jouberts, the reason they aren’t on the red list is because lobby groups like the NRA and Safari Club International have strong lobbies that keep them off of it.

21. The truth of it all is that Africa’s lion population decreased by 90% in the past 75 years.

The truth of it all is that Africa’s lion population decreased by 90% in the past 75 years.

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That’s not good. Duh.

22. Right now, Botswana has 3,500 lions. With these new anti-hunting laws in effect, the Jouberts believe this number could double.

Right now, Botswana has 3,500 lions. With these new anti-hunting laws in effect, the Jouberts believe this number could double.

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23. Dereck says that 1 acre of protected land generates 1,300% more revenue than 1 acre of hunted land.

Dereck says that 1 acre of protected land generates 1,300% more revenue than 1 acre of hunted land.

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24. Now for some myths.

25. There are two common myths that people have about safari hunting.

26. MYTH: Revenues from hunting go back and benefit small villages.

Dereck says that revenue almost always stays outside of Africa. They don’t benefit small villages. Most of these safari companies are American run. Of 600 permits to kill lions in all of Africa in 2012, 566 were bought by Americans. That money goes right back to the states.

27. MYTH: Safari hunting brings jobs to villages.

This is only half true. The ecotourism model brings better jobs to villages. Instead of learning how to skin an animal, a villager may be taught how to do plumbing in a camp. This job is more sustainable than a job dependent on skinning animals.

28. To wrap things up, it all comes down to this basic idea:

29. Keeping lions or any species alive in small pockets isn’t safe. What if a disease comes in and wipes them out?

Keeping lions or any species alive in small pockets isn’t safe. What if a disease comes in and wipes them out?

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30. Beverly says: “Nature is about what fits together. Once you remove one piece of the puzzle it’s all messed up.”

Beverly says: “Nature is about what fits together. Once you remove one piece of the puzzle it’s all messed up.”

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31. “It’s not about keeping DNA alive, it’s about keeping vast tracks of wilderness alive.”

“It’s not about keeping DNA alive, it’s about keeping vast tracks of wilderness alive.”

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32. And besides, it’s better to shoot lions with cameras than with guns.

And besides, it’s better to shoot lions with cameras than with guns.

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Read more:

Why Kendall Jones And Safari Hunters Are Wrong

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