Monday, September 21, 2015

Community Post: 7 Great Things That Happened Last Week (5/14/13)

1. Angel In The Outfield errr… Bleachers. Good Samaritan Saves Kid’s Life

Photos / Via

I’m a former Little League coach. So if I know one thing about the arms of 10 year old baseball players, it’s that they will always unapologeticlly reach for the last slice of pizza. If I know 2 things, it’s that their throws can be a little inaccurate. Young Ian McGreevey found this out first hand while sliding into 3rd base in Harrington Park, NJ. The catcher on the other team, the Angels, hit McGreevey just below the heart while trying to throw him out. McGreevy stopped breathing, lost his pulse and his eyes rolled back in his head. Luckily for him, there was one more Angel at the field that day. Maureen Renaghan, whose husband coaches the Angels. She rushed to the field, provided CPR and saved his life. Full Story from NY Post

2. Hero Cop Reunites With Once Suicidal Man

Photo by John Storey/San Francisco Chronicle / Via

The other day I saw graffiti that read “F-ck the Pigs.” Probably written by someone who has absolutely had it with their Kosher diet or, more likely, someone once reprimanded by a cop for doing something they shouldn’t have been doing, possibly at the expense of someone else. Kevin Berthia doesn’t share that view of cops. In 2005 he thought he was only hurting himself when he decided to commit suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. That’s when a cop saved him with one of his strongest weapons. Not with a gun, but by talking and listening. “I’ve shared things with Officer Briggs in those 60 minutes that no one else in the world knows,” Berthia told Yahoo News. Full Story on Yahoo!

3. Music Video From The International Space Station

Video / Via

Justin Bieber may be the most famous Canadian musician and king of Twitter here on Earth, but Captain Chris Hadfield (@Cmdr_Hadfield) is more well-known everywhere else. Scheduled to return to Earth today (May 14th) from a year in (on?) the International Space Station, Hadfield did his best WWE Champion John Cena impersonation and provided his own entrance music. Showing us that good things aren’t just limited to Earth, Hadfield gives us the first music video filmed from outer space, his cover of David Bowie’s “Space Oddity.” Full Story by Quartz

4. Sister Sister… For Realsies. After 17 Years, Sisters Reunite by Chance

Photo / Via

At a Washington D.C. track meet someone pointed out that two of the runners looked alike and, for a change, it wasn’t someone’s racist grandfather. 17 years ago Jordan and Robin Jeter were separated as babies and most likely believed Sister Sister was a fictional television program not loosely based on their lives. Since the chance meeting, the 2 have learned that they are, in fact, sisters and have quickly become best friends. Full Story by NY Daily News

5. Good Guy Matt Kemp Gives To Terminally Ill Teen.

Video / Via

Until this moment, Matt Kemp had hit exactly 1 home run on the season for the last place Dodgers. Not exactly how he thought things would be going since they became Yankees West during the off season. While this home run moment won’t show up on the Dodgers box score, it’s more magic than franchise part-owner Earvin Johnson. The fan in this video is 19 with inoperable tumors in his spine and was given 90 days to live. Kemp proves he’s the type of guy to give his shirt (and hat and shoes) off his back to someone in need, literally. Full Story via LA Times

6. Watch Out, Bullies: She’s Got The Band Behind Her

Photo / Via

Kids can be jerks. And my deeply engrained unforgettable knowledge of multiple ways to inject a cootie shot is proof of that. Seriously, I’m 30 and know more ways to give a cootie shot than I do names of Supreme Court Justices. Many of us have been on the wrong side of bullying, but far fewer of us know what it’s like to be bullied because of a disability like autism. Emmanuela is “painfully aware” of being different than other kids, but through music, things are starting to change. She’s doing better in school and, more importantly in the popularity centered world of youth, she’s making new friends. Full Story on CNN

7. Bluth’s Original Frozen Banana Stands

Do I even need to write anything here? As if we needed a reminder, Bluth Banana (btw, I can’t spell that word without singing Holla Back Girl… and now it’s stuck in your head too.) stands are starting to pop up around the globe to remind us that new episodes of Arrested Development are coming Memorial Day weekend (yeah, days are weekends now) to Netflix. And no, I didn’t get paid to advertise this, but that’s not a bad idea. So, if you’re reading this Netflix…

8. About the Author

Chris Luther is a NYC based comedian and non-profit fundraiser. Read some of his previous funny things like 7 Oblivious People Slowly Driving Us All Insane or follow him on Twitter @chriscantlose.

Or see him live:

Haters Gonna Hate: The Roast of Chris Luther – June 22nd | 11PM | The PIT | NYC

15th Annual Del Close Marathon – June 30th | 12:30PM | Upright Citizens Brigade East | NYC

Queens Secret Improv Club w/ House Team Butter High – Every Friday (mostly) | 7:30PM | Secret Theatre | Queens

Read more:

Community Post: 7 Great Things That Happened Last Week (5/14/13)

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