Friday, January 8, 2016

24 Everyday Words You Didn’t Know Were Spanglish

Como, like, this list is bueno.

1. Clickeando = Click

24 Everyday Words You Didn

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In English: I’m clicking on this picture and nothing is happening!In Spanish: Le estoy dando un clic y no pasa nada. In Spanglish: Le estoy clickeando and nada pasa!

2. Linkear = Link

24 Everyday Words You Didn

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Cloverway International (CWI) / Via

In English: Let me link this post on my story.In Spanish: Déjame agregar este link a mi artículo. In Spanglish: Déjame linkear esto.

3. Mandar Un Mail = Email

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In English: Let’s send an email to Miley Cyrus. In Spanish: Mandémosle un correo electrónico a Miley Cyrus. In Spanglish: Mandémosle un mail a Miley Cyrus.

4. El Parking = Parking Lot

24 Everyday Words You Didn

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In English: This parking lot is very small.In Spanish: Este estacionamiento es muy pequeño.In Spanglish: El parking es bien pequeño.

5. Parquear = To Park

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In English: Please park properly and don’t be an asshole.In Spanish: Por favor estaciona bien tu auto y no seas un imbécil. In Spanglish: Pues parqueate bien, asshole.

6. Chequear = Check

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In English: Can you check if this is correct?In Spanish: Puedes revisar si esto esta correcto?In Spanglish: Ey, puedes chequear si esté bien?

7. Hevy = Heavy

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In English: It’s so heavy! What do carry in here, bricks?In Spanish: ¡Esta bien pesado! ¿Qué es lo que cargas aquí, ladrillos? In Spanglish: Esta bien hevy, eh. ¿Que tienes aquí, ladrillos?

8. El shopping = The Mall

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In English: Let’s go to the mall and get some new clothes. In Spanish: Vamos al centro comercial para comprar ropa nueva.In Spanglish: Vamonos al shopping para agarrar ropa nueva.

9. El locker = The Locker

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In English: I think I left it in my locker.In Spanish: Creo lo dejé dentro de mi casillero.In Spanglish: Pos esta en el locker.

10. Ver Un Show = Watch A Show

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In English: Let’s watch a new show.In Spanish: Miremos un nuevo programa de televisión.In Spanglish: Vamos a ver un nuevo show.

11. El Ticket = A Citation Or An Actual Ticket

24 Everyday Words You Didn

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In English: They gave me a ticket for parking there.In Spanish: Me multaron por estacionarme allí. In Spanglish: Ay, me dieron un ticket por parquearme allí.

12. Pari = Party

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In English: Woo! Let’s go to a party!In Spanish: ¡Yay! ¡Vamos a la fiesta!In Spanglish: Woo, woo! Vámonos de pari!

13. Bibaporú = Vicks Vapor Rub

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In English: Vicks Vapor Rub does miracles.In Spanish: El Vicks Vapor Rub hace milagros.In Spanglish: Bibaporú es un miracle.

14. Sangweesh = Sandwich

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In English: I’ll prepare myself a sandwich.In Spanish: Me voy a preparar un sandwich. In Spanglish: Me hago un sangweesh.

15. Konfleis = Cereal

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In English: Can you pass the cornflakes, please.In Spanish: Me pueden pasar el cereal, por favor.In Spanglish: Dame los konfleis.

16. Yarda = Yard

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In English: We need to clean the backyard.In Spanish: Tenemos que limpiar el patio.In Spanglish: Pues tenemos que limpiar la yarda.

17. Taipear = Type

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In English: You type really fast.In Spanish: Usas el teclado bastante rápido.In Spanglish: Taipeas muy rápido.

18. Texteo = Text

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In English: Okay, I’ll text her back.In Spanish: Bueno, le voy a enviar un mensaje de texto.In Spanglish: OK, déjame textearle de regreso.

19. Te Llamo Para Atrás = Call You Back

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In English: I’ll give you a callback when I get it. In Spanish: Te regresaré la llamada cuando lo tenga.In Spanglish: Te llamo para atras cuando lo tenga.

20. Winnie = Weenie

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In English: Do you know what weenies are made out of?In Spanish: ¿Sabes de qué están hechas las salchichas?In Spanglish: ¿De que están hechos los winnies?

21. Cachup = Ketchup

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In English: I hate ketchup on my fries.In Spanish: No me gusta la ketchup en mis papas fritas.In Spanglish: No me gusta la catchup en mis papas fritas.

22. Flonquear = Flunk

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In English: I always flunk math class.In Spanish: Siempre repruebo la clase de matemáticas. In Spanglish: Pos voy a flonquear math por que no me gusta.

23. Freeser = Freezer

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In English: Put it in the freezer.In Spanish: Ponlo en el congelador. In Spanglish: Pos ponlo en el freeser.

24. Jamburger = Hamburger

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In English: This hamburger is so delicious. In Spanish: Esta hamburguesa es deliciosa. In Spanglish: La jamburger esta bien rica.

Read more:

24 Everyday Words You Didn’t Know Were Spanglish

English, espaol, ingles, language, Spanglish, Spanish.

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