Saturday, January 2, 2016

Community Post: 18 Reasons Your Best Friend Should Be Your Valentine

Dear Best Friend,

Wait, that’s weird and way too formal. Can I just say hi instead? Or something? Sorry, I’m awkward. But so are you, so it’s okay.

And even though you know everything about me, including that I daydream about someone coming to sweep me off my feet, this year, you’re my Valentine.

1. I love being able to call you my best friend.

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2. We’re freaking adorable as best friends and we will be freaking adorable for forever.

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We’re easily the cutest couple ever. Boyfriend? What’s a boyfriend?


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*cue Josh Groban song*

But in all honesty – if I am down, you are the one to make me feel 100% better about life, even when I’m crying and looking every bit like a hot mess.

4. You make me feel like I have a social life.

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There’s just something about not having to text first that makes a girl feel special.

5. You love chocolate just as much as I do.

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Therefore, we can give each other chocolates. And eat them. A lot. This applies to all sorts of foods, actually.

6. You make me more well-rounded.

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There is no other reason that I would willingly listen to a Nicki Minaj song all the way through and there is no other person who can make politics as interesting as you do.

7. I know you have my back.

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I hate what you hate. And plus, having a personal bodyguard against gossip and rumors is kind of nice.

8. You are my shoulder to cry on. Literally.

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I may or may not have stained your shirt with mascara. More than once.

9. Whenever we’re together, my abs always hurt from laughing.

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Crunches suck. This is why I have best friends instead. They’re a lot better.

10. We can do “the look” perfectly.

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Don’t pretend like you don’t know what I’m talking about.

11. We do that weird pose thing in all of our pictures even though it looks like we came up with it in seventh grade (because we did make it up in seventh grade).

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But we can’t stop now, because how else will the #transformationtuesdays continue?

12. Actually, we’re weird together all the time.

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Maybe this is why we’re best friends.

13. We can have conversations that make zero sense to everyone else.

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“It’s just so…” “I know.” “Ugh.” “I can’t even.” “alksdjf.”

14. You fangirl with me.

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Thank you for understanding all of my feelings.

15. I can live vicariously through your experiences, and you can live vicariously through mine.

Yes, I will listen to you relive every single moment and it will be beautiful.

16. You are always, always, always there.

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I could call you at 3 AM and you would pick up. Or at least call me back as soon as you woke up.

17. You love me for me.

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You know all of my secrets, all of the little things, all of my bad habits, all of my hopes, all of my skeletons in the closet, all of my dreams, and you accept all of them.

18. I love you lots and I couldn’t survive without you.

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And I don’t appreciate you enough.

You are wonderful, amazing, incredible, lovely, magnificent, and one of the best human beings in the world. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Read more:

Community Post: 18 Reasons Your Best Friend Should Be Your Valentine

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