Thursday, January 7, 2016

Drudge: Internet, social media undertaking massive leftward push!/DRUDGE/status/238689413322915840

In a rare personal tweet, new media pioneer Matt Drudge warns that some of the biggest names in the social media world are now no longer just tilting left, but ready to throw down the gauntlet and come out swinging for President Obama:

Interesting @DRUDGE tweet about left-wing social media bias – name-checks GOOG, TWITTER & FB ==>

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) August 23, 2012

Others have noticed the trend as well:

These are on my Trends: 1)innovategov 2)The Bain Files 3)November the 2 4)Isaac 5)Inside Mitt Romney"s Tax-Dodging Cayman Schemes @DRUDGE

— Cheryl Lochhead (@CherylLochhead) August 23, 2012

@michellemalkin @drudge anyone who does a political google search and thinks know this

— Will Davis (@willpdavis) August 23, 2012

@DRUDGE Objectivity in the media eludes all but the most resolute and disciplined reporters and their readers.

— Word Monger (@Tazatator) August 23, 2012

@DRUDGE I guess Team Obama and other liberal groups won"t be filing complaints or trying to get them shut down!!

— Viola (@hummingbird5225) August 23, 2012

@michellemalkin @DRUDGE Google for sure. Gave Obama/dems special privileges/programs denied to other parties,last year!

— EL CID (@bugalubaby2011) August 23, 2012

Some accused Drudge of overreacting or fear-mongering:

They are algorithms you dipshit MT @DRUDGE GOOG pushing search results pro-left more than ever.TWITTER "recommending" lib after lib.

— naught (@notjvt) August 23, 2012

@DRUDGE That"s funny. I"m a "Lib" and Twitter is constantly recommending Conservatives to me. Guess it"s all relative…

— Gerard J. Zarella (@GZarella) August 23, 2012

Don"t think @DRUDGE understands how "the Google" works.

— Patrick Daugherty (@RotoPat) August 23, 2012

@DRUDGE @DRUDGE_REPORT dude, all promoted tweets on my feed are from conservatives. haven"t seen one lib one…

— Josh (@MrFlashy) August 23, 2012

@DRUDGE Ah, once again, the Google conspiracy theories. Didn"t @glennbeck have a tantrum about this al little while back?

— Steve Presser (@stevenmpresser) August 23, 2012

@DRUDGE Interesting, that"s not at all what I"m experiencing – just the opposite. Lots of righties popping up like bugs on a windshield.

— Alan Eggleston (@AlanEggleston) August 23, 2012

@michellemalkin @DRUDGE please stop the BS you are using twitter to spread your lies and right wing propaganda!

— Kevin Robinette (@KevinRobinette) August 23, 2012

However, as Twitchy has exhaustively documented, there have been numerous instances of conservative voices being silenced by social media giants. Consider those relegated to the #TwitterGulag.

Facebook also has a history of censoring conservatives while allowing liberals to post indiscriminately.

Twitchy CEO and outspoken conservative Michelle Malkin has had several of her videos pulled from YouTube, and she’s not the only victim.

As Ben Shapiro noted last year, those companies have been steadfast supporters of President Obama and liberal causes. With the presidential election now less than eleven weeks away, it will be very interesting to chart their leftward trajectory. Their boldness seems to grow daily; it’s not farfetched to wonder if their role in politics will escalate to the level Drudge predicts.

Read more:

Drudge: Internet, social media undertaking massive leftward push

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