Tuesday, December 29, 2015

20 Ridiculous Things Every Diehard Sports Fan Is Guilty Of Doing



Love makes you do stupid things — and when it comes to our love for our favorite sports teams, that rule is no different.

To you, sports are more than just a game. They affect our emotions, our friendships, even our health sometimes. It’s definitely that serious, and we let it be that way, all while knowing, well, that it’s totally irrational.

Don’t put up a front, this is a safe place. We’re all guilty of doing our fair share of these crazy-in-love things.

Here are 20 ways that sports make us act irrationally:

1. Paying money for a view that’s way worse than the one you’d have from your couch.

Let’s face it: If you normally watch games on anything but a TV, there’s certain threshold for which tier of seats are a waste of money and which ones are actually worth it. Chances are, those overpriced nosebleeds at MSG aren’t worth it — and never have been.

2. Getting into fierce arguments about your favorite teams and players.

You’ve let everything from personal insults and comments about your girlfriend slide, yet you’re on the verge of destroying a friendship over a sports debate. Makes total sense.

3. Getting in to the exact same argument next week because you have “indisputable” evidence this time around.

So, you found a new stat last night for the 67th installment of your ongoing argument. Yeah, he’ll definitely concede that Kobe’s overrated this time.

4. Expecting athletes not to care about money.

You’d probably leave your job in a second for $10,000 more, never mind $10 million more.

5. Letting it impact where you go to college.

I’m not gonna lie… I only applied to D-I schools.

6. Paying way too much money for a jersey that looks ridiculous anywhere outside of a stadium.

That $150 authentic Patriots jersey will look great on you one-to-eight times per year, specifically between the months of September and January.

7. Yelling at the TV.

(They can’t hear you.)

8. Rioting after your team wins.

“The city/school that we so passionately supported for the past three hours just won, let’s tear the place apart in celebration!”

9. Looking up to players as role models.

To be fair, there are some gems out there, but I am 99.9 percent sure there are more wholesome people in your life to admire than a guy who launches a ball into a net for a living.

10. Making yourself think someone is way more attractive.

On a scale of one to 10, you know you added one-to-three extra points to their rating because they were student-athletes. (Skylar, if you’re reading this, call me.)

11. Believing that your superstitions have a tangible impact on the game.

I get the strange feeling that Peyton Manning’s never gone into a huddle and yelled, “We’re gonna play hard, execute our plan and hope that, just maybe, Joe in Wisconsin remembered to wear his 20-year-old stained jersey inside-out.”

12. Letting it impact your personal productivity.

Now, I won’t go as far to say that I’ll be streaming March Madness when the tournament comes around, BUT… actually, that’s exactly what I’m saying.

13. Supporting bad teams.

We don’t support bad restaurants, stores, schools or politicians. We don’t even support lifelong friends who’ve turned bad on us. God forbid we ever stop rooting for the New York Knicks, though.

14. Letting our teams come between us and our significant others.

In all fairness, she couldn’t understand that Monday night, Thursday night and all-day Sunday were me time. I have no regrets.

15. Letting a loss or injury ruin your mood.

There is no reason you should be balled up in the fetal position seriously contemplating calling out of work because you’re too “distraught.”

16. Turning to religion.

Yeah, I’m sure you and the other two million conflicting prayers at that exact moment will work out perfectly.

17. Cheering for total douchebags.

A-Rod was my favorite player once… so there goes that.

18. Reenacting player celebrations in real life.

You did the “Money Manziel” at that party last weekend, didn’t you? SMH.

19. Using the word “we.”

We don’t even use that word when a particular political party we like wins the midterm elections, and that actually impacts our lives!

20. Feeling like a moral tragedy has occurred after coming to the realization that sports are a business.

Let’s just put it this way: Those $100 million dollar contracts aren’t getting paid just for sh*ts and giggles.

Bonus: Choosing a profession solely based on your love for sports.

Psh. Who does that?

Read more: http://elitedaily.com/sports/20-ridiculous-things-sports-fans-do/882641/

20 Ridiculous Things Every Diehard Sports Fan Is Guilty Of Doing

crazy sports, Fans, rans of sports, sports, sports fans

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