Sunday, December 27, 2015

If You Have a Heart, This Boy"s Letter is Going to Obliterate It.

Tobias Bass is only 10 years-old, but he is kind-hearted, selfless and wise beyond his years.

His younger brother has severe cerebral palsy and cannot go outside and play like other children. Because of his pain, Tobias was inspired to do something incredibly selfless. Your heart will be in your throat when you read this letter Tobias wrote for his little brother.

Tobias is only 10, but he has the compassion and wisdom of a saint. He wants to be a pastor when he grows up and he is determined to help his younger brother is cerebral palsy enjoy life.

When his little brother sees children playing outside, he cries since he is unable to go outside. Tobias wanted to change that and help his little brother play outside.

So, he decided to train and push his brother in a 5k. However, he doesn’t have a jogging wheelchair, only a babystroller.

He wrote this letter and sent it to a news station, asking not for money but just for someone to loan him a jogger for one day while he races with his brother.

It’s hard not to read that without getting emotional. Share this brave little boy’s amazing letter.


Read more:

If You Have a Heart, This Boy"s Letter is Going to Obliterate It.

brotherly love, helps younger brother, tobias bass

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