Sunday, December 27, 2015

One Of The Wrongest Harry Potter-Related Anti-Abortion Signs You'll Ever See

When you reduce a major government decision with serious real world impacts to a flimsy argument about a couple of fictional characters, you better be prepared for those of us who’ve actually read the books to blow some holes in your fanciful theory. 

1) If Lily Potter had gotten an abortion, Neville Longbottom would have killed Voldemort. The prophecy said so.

2) The whole mess might have been avoided if only Tom Riddle’s mother had access to a clean, safe, legal abortion in the first place.

Now please, go read the books. You might actually learn something. 

Read more:

One Of The Wrongest Harry Potter-Related Anti-Abortion Signs You"ll Ever See

entertainment-culture, funny, gender, health-reproductive-rights, other-topic, screen-shots

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