Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Spice up Thanksgiving dinner with Hugh Hewitt’s handy #TDayConversationStarters


Not looking forward to those awkward Thanksgiving dinner conversations with those relatives you see only once or twice a year? Whether you’re trying to fit in with your blue state family members or just troll your conservative relatives, radio host Hugh Hewitt and his followers have you covered with these handy #TDayConversationStarters.

“”I wouldn’t rule out a 3rd term” #TDayconversationstarters #hewitt

— Hugh Hewitt (@hughhewitt) November 21, 2012

@hughhewitt “It’s a proven fact that higher taxes spur economic growth” #TDayconversationstarters

— Tim Hilcove (@TimHilcove) November 21, 2012

@hughhewitt Let’s be honest, everything the government runs thrives without exception. #TDayConversationStarters

— Fred Fenster (@Fensterflip) November 21, 2012

TDay Toast: “Cheers to another successful political season which has completely disguised the generational theft.” #TDayconversationstarters

— Ken Hand (@GreatHairGuy) November 22, 2012

“You know it will be a great day in America when the doctors finally unionize.” #TDayConversationStarters #hewitt

— Shane Wikfors (@ShaneWikfors) November 22, 2012

How about that Obama evolving on gay marriage?#hewitt#TDayconversationstarters

— RepRepublic (@RepRepublic) November 22, 2012

@hughhewitt “Wouldn’t it just be simpler if Obama made employers hand out free birth control at work?” #TDayconversationstarters #hewitt

— Carol Platt Liebau (@CPLiebau) November 22, 2012

“MSNBC really is the only objective news outlet on television. There hosts are just so level-headed” #TDayconversationstarters #hewitt

— Jamie Weinstein (@Jamie_Weinstein) November 22, 2012

@hughhewitt The problem with the economy is that Bernanke has not done enough#TDayconversationstarters

— Paul Thoma (@PKThomahawk) November 22, 2012

@hughhewitt “This national debt talk by the Republicans is just a scare tactic.We just owe it to ourselves.” #TDayconversationstarters

— Scott Adair (@tahitisomeday) November 22, 2012

Why didn’t the president pardon a dog?#TDayconversationstarters

— James Finley (@jamesdfinley) November 21, 2012

“Sarah Palin is the answer” #TDayconversationstarters #hewitt

— Hugh Hewitt (@hughhewitt) November 21, 2012

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/11/21/spice-up-thanksgiving-dinner-with-hugh-hewitts-handy-tdayconversationstarters/

Spice up Thanksgiving dinner with Hugh Hewitt’s handy #TDayConversationStarters

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