Sunday, December 27, 2015

Walker: I"m Not The Target Of A Criminal Investigation


WAUWASOTA, Wisconsin — Governor Scott Walker denied Saturday that he may become a target of a long-running corruption investigation of his Milwaukee County Executive’s office.

“Absolutely not,” Walker told reporters outside a campaign stop near Milwaukee. “One hundred percent wrong. Could not be more wrong. It’s just more of the liberal scare tactics out there, desperately trying to get the campaign off target.”

Journalist David Shuster reported last night that legal sources told him Walker may become the target of the investigation, which has already implicated some members of his staff when he was County Executive. The former aides are alleged to have engaged in campaign activities on government time, though Walker himself has not been implicated.

Walker acknowledged having set up a $100,000 legal defense fund with campaign money this week.

Asked if his legal team had heard anything about his being a target, Walker said “No. I have not heard a single thing about that other than spin from those on the left.”

“There’s nothing new there,” Walker said. “You’re going to hear nothing but spin, false innuendo.”

Wisconsin Democrats have made a concerted effort to make what’s referred to as a “John Doe investigation” — conducted at first in secret by state authorities — a campaign issue in the gubernatorial recall election, though the issue hasn’t garnered much attention outside the state.

Read more:

Walker: I"m Not The Target Of A Criminal Investigation

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